Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy!
I have a few other things I've made recently I'll post along soonish. First, a pan pizza with Italian sausage, Canadian bacon, and fresh basil.

LEWDOG - We need to make this trip to let FMB adopt us happen. Pick me up on the way?
Looks good FMB!
Originally Posted by Inmem58
Last good meal before I start eating better. Fried eggs, B&G and SPAM
2 things:
1. Your obsession with SPAM is unhealthy.
2. Your picture reminds me of my wife. She is an epic egg nazi. When she eats eggs, she wants a piece of toast (not too crispy), a piece of cheese, and a fried egg with runny yolks. A piece of meat is optional, but it logistically has to go into the sandwich. She is crazy about it. If she overcooks the egg, she throws an absolute fit. Cussing, yelling, whatever. If she doesn't have cheese or bread or something, **** it, she just won't eat breakfast. She's insane.
I should point out, however, that when I make eggs, she's really appreciative and very non-nazi about it.
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Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy!
Red snapper and grits etouffee. Grabbed the snapper yesterday while I was getting the scallops. A good fresh fish market would be bad for my bank account if it were closer.

I'd be interested in eating some decent cajun food. When I went to Louisiana, we got recommendations from all the locals and the food ranged from meh to awful. Everybody raves about it, and all I've had is garbage.