Originally Posted by scho63
Rub it with a heavy wet mix PASTE of maple syrup, dijon mustard, minced garlic and onions, salt and pepper and then at the end add Italian breadcrumbs to make the wet paste rub.
Add some extra dijon mustard directly onto the pork so it sticks when adding the rub
It will make a great coating in the oven
I did mostly this. How I prepare a pork shoulder for smoking although this is going in the over.
Originally Posted by R8RFAN
cook to 175 internal
Will turn out perfect like this one I cooked
take it out of the bag and put it in a large freezer bag... add 1 cup of mustard marinate overnite then cook to 175 any higher and it will be dry

175 seems pretty high? Most say remove pork around 145-150 and this will be cooked in the oven.