Thread: Life The bee keeper diaries
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Old 02-02-2017, 08:55 PM   #15
redfan redfan is offline
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I started off with a single pkg of Italians. Not too bright, you should always start 2-3.
The chances of a single pkg hive making it through the winter are significantly lower than having multiple hives. I got lucky with a mild winter.
I didn't take any honey from the hive that year.

I got 2 more pkg Italians last year, and those hives got a boost because I took some frames of capped honey and brood from the primary hive.
The same friggin day I installed those packages the primary hive swarmed. I was able to catch the swarm in a spare deep I had.
Thank god I had some spare lids and bottom boards, because it swarmed again the next day.
I caught that swarm as well. Yay me, I'm a real damn beekeeper now!!

So, that's five hives rolling now. I really went through the sugar this summer.
Feed the 2 package hives, feed the swarm hives a 1:1 sugar syrup.
I put a super on it at the beginning of the summer, but otherwise the Primary hive is own its own.
It should be strong enough and there is good forage for them.

Fast forward through the summer and both pkgs and primary look great.
Swarm hives are a little slower to draw out frames, but that's to be expected because they didn't get any drawn frames to start with.

I went on vacation for one damn week and I'm pretty sure one of the swarm hives swarmed when I was gone. I didn't immediately notice when I got back, so I think everything is ok. Everything is not ok. Wax moths have moved in and set up shop. The wax moths start doing their thing (killing the hive) for a while until I do an inspection and find hardly any bees but tons of wax moths and small hive beetle. ****, that swarm hive is a total loss. Scape off all the comb from the frames (1 deep fully drawn) and shove it in the freezer to kill the wax moth, SHB plus their eggs and larvae. I'll render the wax some day with all of the other old comb and nasty stuff.

By this time, main nectar flow is done. I go out to the apiary one day and it is full on robbing of the remaining swarm hive.
Bees are buzzing loudly as they bounce off each other and wrestle at the hive entrance. They are putting up a good fight, but it's just a matter of time before they are overrun.
The swarm hive is much weaker than the 3 pkg hives. I put on a robbing screen, but it is too late, the bees won't stop at this point.
I bite the bullet and take apart the hive. I was able to save about 8.5 frames of honey so not a total loss.

I had those 8+ frames and the full super from the primary hive to extract. I didn't take any honey from the 2 pkg hives.

I plan on doing some splits of the 2 pkg hives, and I'd bet on some more swarms as well. I just hope I have enough woodware. Shit starts adding up.

Good luck!!
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