Thread: Life The bee keeper diaries
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Old 02-02-2017, 07:31 PM   #4
Iowanian Iowanian is offline
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Last year I think my people got overzealous in removal projects. Some of them are easy and some apparently were a real pain....including one guy taking 50 stings and a doctor trip.

This year I think the plan is to back off of cutting bees out of houses, unless they are being torn down and trying to catch some swarms.

Myself and the others are looking for boxes if anyone knows someone who has some laying around and available.

I'm not going to pretend I know more than I do in this thread...I'm a virgin for the most part. I do have the luxury of friends with a couple of years experience to help me start, and I'm thinking about taking a class starting soon.

Other than being hot, sticky, messy and painful, the limited number of times I helped them get bees last year were pretty good rushes.

I'm here to learn as I go, if you have the knowledge and experience....teach us, starting with the basics.
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Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.Iowanian is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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