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Old 10-02-2016, 09:20 PM   #484
Indian Chief Indian Chief is offline
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Originally Posted by Dagnabit View Post
I'm just afraid they wouldn't do it worth a ****. The only Bane I've seen from Dave Fillating-myself and Disney was pure shit.

Let's let the good people from BioWare and the ultra kick-ass authors they hire like Drew Karpyshin do their thing while Disney makes millions off of Emo-Villans like Kylo Ren.

Karpyshin's Revan novel was really, really underwhelming. And I usually like his work.
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Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.Indian Chief wants to die in a aids tree fire.
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