Originally Posted by Bowser
Had not heard that. That severely narrows down the candidates, if that's the case. How hard will your mind be blown if your daughter turns out to be right and Snoke is the Grand Inquisitor from Rebels?
I still wonder if Ezra plays into Snoke someway, somehow. Nothing to back that up with, just a feeling....
I really assumed that even any hint of Bane and Revan being pulled into the canon would have you doing backflips, lol. But, I do understand you not wanting Disney to completely pussify those two, either. 
I'm just afraid they wouldn't do it worth a ****. The only Bane I've seen from Dave Fillating-myself and Disney was pure shit.
Let's let the good people from BioWare and the ultra kick-ass authors they hire like Drew Karpyshin do their thing while Disney makes millions off of Emo-Villans like Kylo Ren.