Today I made BBQ bacon onion bombs. Take a sweet onion, break it down like a Russian Nesting doll. Take two halves of a layer of onion, and that becomes the outer shell. Take lean ground beef, bread crumbs, egg, little milk and garlic, spices, pepper and some bbq sauce, mix it together in a bowl. Roll the meat mixuture into little meat balls. Inside each meatball put a chunk of your favorite cheese. I like pepper jack. Put the cheese meatball inside the two onion halves, then take two pieces of bacon and wrap them outside like duct tape to hold the bomb together. Put a shishkabob stake through the ball to give it a handle, cut the excess off the stick. Make up about six of these, put them on a broiler pan where the grease can drain, heat oven to 400 and bake for about an hour. Brush on your favorite BBQ sauce and put them back in the oven for about another 15 minutes. Pull them out, let them cool for about 10 minutes, and you have BBQ Bacon Onion Bombs. And they are DA BOMB.
Last edited by gblowfish; 09-10-2016 at 06:27 PM..