Originally Posted by BlackOp
Cut the crap..you know Donko fans were running the narrative that Sanchez had been to two AFC championship games with NY....and rationalizing that they "won" a SB with terrible QB play. "We will be just fine with Sanchez" was repeated everywhere by Donko-nation. "In Elway we trust"...was parroted also when he signed the Dirty.
You're just spinning it now because Horseface is falling on his face without Manning...and is starting a QB with no game experience behind an awful line. Acting like he wasn't brought in to be the starter is disingenuous..but that's how you roll....this was a horrible off-season full of failure, player departures....and terrible cap management.
You were pulling out Kubiaks works with Plummer....when arguing about it.
BTW the way...Brock looked good yesterday.
I certainly made the Plummer comparison, for no other reason than to dispute the narrative that it had been done in the past and could be done again. It's obvious now, they are going a different path. And, I'm happy with that, it's much better than the alternative. They're admitting they made a bad bet and moving on.
Elway isn't really falling on his face though. He is now starting a guy he drafted last year, if it works out, good for him. Is Trevor the long term answer? I doubt it. Can he do as well or better than Sanchez? I don't see why not.