I aargued before against cutting butttfumble. But U take that back. Why carry him on the roster, when he will be just sitting by the phone all season anyway. That way, when Carolina ends Semens season, Horseface can being him back at a lower salary that won't be guaranteed because he wasn't on the roster day 1. Horseface is slightly smarter than I gave him credit for. But then again, I wasn't giving credit for being smarter than a box of rocks before, so that's not saying much.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Following the historical accounts and the genealogy from that point on, the age of the Earth is approximately 6000-7000 years old. The Big Bullshit Theory is a lie. It and the evolution theory go against real science. Satan has used our public school system to brainwash everyone into believing these lies. Be not decieved.