Originally Posted by Nickhead
curious: on average, how many people do ya'll cook for?
we have five in the house, and at any point the two older boys may bring their chic's home for tea.
since i do 90% home cooked meals, probably costs me no less than 40 bucks a night.
a two plus kilo legolam can cost 30 + bucks by itself.
even taco's can get costly.
but then again, i would be the classic definition of the anal retentive chef 
One half the week meaning just me. The other nights. Even that's expensive. I don't eat breakfast—not a morning eater. I am at the supermarket, farmers market or another market nearly daily spending at least $30-$50 each time. I feel for ya'. Even without all the food inflation, boys can eat you out of house and home.
It used to be three but my daughter was never a huge eater —nor am I. Besides prices weren't nearly so out-of-control.
But I buy good quality food over cheap junk, or much packaged food.
Produce, fish, chicken, beef, buffalo, lamb, organic eggs, milk, grains and special wheat free breadstuffs ($5-6 a loaf or pkg) etc. Pricey.