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Old 08-04-2016, 08:55 PM   #3427
cdcox cdcox is offline
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My daughter and I went to a local Indian joint last night. She has recently been ramping up the spice level on her Indian and Thai dishes. She ordered tikka masala "Indian hot". It was too hot for her and she only ate about 1/3 of it. I tasted it last night and agreed that it was hot, but could really gauge it because my lamb chilie was plenty spicy on its own.

I took her leftovers to work for lunch today.

I really like spicy food. Runny nose and tears are good, numb lips even better. There is only one Thai place in town that satisfies my spice craving.

Dang that tikka masala was spicy! I was distinctly uncomfortable eating it. It was hard to sit still. There was a some rice with it, but I doubt I could have eaten it all without the leftover nann. Just as I finished it (and threw away my last napkin) I colleague came in for a discussion. Well the tikka masala wasn't quite done with me. My nose starts running, my ears are ringing and I'm having a hard time focusing on what he is saying. On top of that i'm pretty sure my whole office smells like a narrow alley in central Hyderabad. I eventually got to the place where I could hold focus on what he was saying and give an appropriate response between wiping drips from the end of my nose.
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