Thread: Misc What's Your Addiction?
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Old 06-24-2016, 07:46 AM   #227
Lzen Lzen is offline
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Mine is beer. I feel that I get a decent amount of exercise by walking, playing hoops, and biking that if I didn't like beer so much I might be able to take off a few pounds. It also doesn't help that you couldn't pay me to drink low calorie crap like Michelob Ultra. I like craft beers.
Conversation would be vastly improved by the constant use of four simple words:

I do not know.
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Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.Lzen is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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