Thread: Misc What's Your Addiction?
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Old 06-19-2016, 07:25 PM   #132
BWillie BWillie is offline
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Originally Posted by displacedinMN View Post
Caffeine withdrawal is a b****. I tried giving up caffeine once and it was almost impossible in fact it became impossible. Had a couple of pretty bad headaches the first few days and I can work my way down from them. Then about a week later I got nauseous and thought I was getting sick. Found an article that said it was caffeine withdrawal. My wife also said that I was too grumpy and that I needed caffeine. Bought me a 20 oz dew. So she is the enabler.
I must be lucky then, I found physical caffeine withdrawals to be very mild. Only headaches for the 1st few days then I was fine except for just being normal and tired. I was drinking 3 monster energy drinks a day at one point, which is about 750mgs of caffeine per day. One day I just decided to quit as itappeared to be negatively effecting my kidneys per blood tests, so I just stopped cold turkey and didn't have one for 2 months. Mentally, had much more "want to" withdrawals but not anything will power couldnt take care of.
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