Thread: Misc What's Your Addiction?
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Old 06-19-2016, 08:01 AM   #93
displacedinMN displacedinMN is offline
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Think about how many people today are addicted to their f******* phones, or facebook.

It will become an epidemic.
I see kids that go into withdrawal if they do not look at their phones.
Good article today in the MPLS paper (spoiler to keep post short)


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displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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