Thread: Misc What's Your Addiction?
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Old 06-18-2016, 09:27 PM   #71
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by C3HIEF3S View Post
The Office. I watch an episode or two of The Office just about every weeknight before I go to sleep. When I am done with the entire series? I start again from season 1, episode 1. I am on season 8 of my third go-round right now.
I actually do this as well, but I generally start on episode 1 of season 2. From there, the only episode I skip is "Mike's Tots" or whatever it's called. The one where Michael promises to send a bunch of elementary school kids to college and can't follow through. That episode sucks.
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ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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