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Old 06-16-2016, 08:29 PM   #66
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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Originally Posted by vailpass View Post
What makes you buy albums? Just curious because since Spotify i don't buy anything other than the subscription fee.
I'm probably behind on technology, but when I go running I don't really want to take my large phone. So I have an ipod, and I buy songs (and a very occasional album) on itunes. I hear good things about Spotify, but I don't know how to get songs from there onto my ipod (or something similarly small).
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Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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