Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 11-03-2015, 02:54 PM   #2584
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Originally Posted by Bowser View Post
Denver is going to have to pay the salary cap toll sooner or later, even if it is Elway pulling the strings.
Not too sure about that. They seem to do it so that they don't lose that much. Then when they fill the vacancy they sometimes get better. They've lost Tuberville, Decker, and Thomas in recent years and got Ware, Sandars and now Davis to replace them. Only fall off I see is Thomas was better than Davis will be. We don't know that for sure though...Well maybe we do but Davis is a very low risk high reward deal...Also, they NEVER got in "Cap Hell" when paying Manning. They paid him and were able to sign the players above and the likes of Talib and Ward.
Hey Andy Reid / Matt Nagy...Patrick Mahomes is NOT Alex Smith
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