Originally Posted by oaklandhater
Dude went out and hired the Best gm candidate at the time and gave him full control when that didn't work he tried hiring best head coaching candidate at the time.
Clark cares he just has bad luck.
Reid was not the "best" head coaching candidate at the time. That honor belonged to Bruce Arians.
Clark also allowed Reid to talk him into hiring "Dorse" away from Green Bay. He said he couldn't work with Scott Pioli (who had just signed a $20 million dollar extension), so Clark hired Dorsey.
Clark is lazy. He'll shell out the bucks because that's required of an NFL owner, but he just hires "Big names", trusts them, then backs off until it implodes.
He doesn't need to be Jim Irsay or Jerry Jones or Dan Snyder or Mophead Davis but he needs to be more involved like the Rooney's and Mara's if he truly wants a championship.
It can't be either/or.