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Old 10-12-2015, 12:25 PM   #66
rabblerouser rabblerouser is offline
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Originally Posted by Saccopoo View Post
Then don't be that guy. It's not cool. Seriously. Pretty douchey to wish physical harm on anyone, and then verbalize it so everyone now knows you are that type of guy.

What you need to hope/wish for is that someone takes an objective look at the situation and sits him and plays Daniel and Murray to see what they have if anything.

I still think that this is a pretty good football team that is having some bad decisions being made by the guys who have the most affect on the game. But they need to realize that the long term solution at the position needs to be found right now and Smith is not that guy.

But you don't be a prick and wish harm on people to achieve your perceived goals for something as trivial as being a casual fan of a sports team.
Yeah, dude had a ruptured spleen last year, and that can kill you, so it wouldn't be hard to assume that is a big reason why he's tanked so bad...
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