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Old 10-05-2015, 08:59 PM   #188
listopencil listopencil is offline
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Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
It's a 5 to 10 minute fix that wont leave you stranded or cost a tow job, as long as it's not in the side wall you will be on your way.

If you carry a full size spare and your tires are under warranty it's 5 minutes to change the tire, 5 minutes to drop it off, 5 minutes to pick it back up and put it away again. If you get a flat while your spare is being repaired or multiple simultaneous flats..then you plug it yourself.
While you live, shine. Have no grief at all. Life exists only for a short while and time demands its toll.

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listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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