Originally Posted by Gonzo
So, I'll be the first to admit that I was never really into games like Elder Scrolls/Skyrim etc.
the genre just never interested me.
Well, until recently. I picked up Witcher 3 and love it.
Anywho, I was out the other day amd stopped by my local Target. They had the super awesome special edition of Skyrim for PS3 on close out. Bought it for 8 bucks and figured WTF? Might be fun.
Christ, I've put in about 3 hrs and can't put it down. Why didn't anyone tell me????
Even though it's dated, it's really a beautiful game. The ****ing music is some of the best I've ever heard. This took a lot of effort from the Devs.
I was the same way until i discovered Skyrim.. Maybe I'm the only one, but I just can't get into Elder Scrolls Online though