Thread: Video Games Elder Scrolls VI: Argonia
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Old 08-11-2015, 03:28 PM   #47
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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So, I'll be the first to admit that I was never really into games like Elder Scrolls/Skyrim etc.
the genre just never interested me.
Well, until recently. I picked up Witcher 3 and love it.

Anywho, I was out the other day amd stopped by my local Target. They had the super awesome special edition of Skyrim for PS3 on close out. Bought it for 8 bucks and figured WTF? Might be fun.
Christ, I've put in about 3 hrs and can't put it down. Why didn't anyone tell me????
Even though it's dated, it's really a beautiful game. The ****ing music is some of the best I've ever heard. This took a lot of effort from the Devs.
Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.Gonzo is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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