Originally Posted by Hootie 2.0
I'll look at dicks all day long. I don't care. I couldn't do it earlier because I was on my phone.
what are you going to do next?
post a vid of your wife slamming her vibey up your asshole
and then after some of us click it
you'll just be like "omfg you guys got trolled!"
Dude ...
you posted a picture of your penis, your real penis, with a note ... to try and prove some little man syndrome point to a board full of dudes you don't know
you're weird
you make me look normal
that's not good
That's a stretch. But yeah, the general point is valid.
"Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, and disregard of all the rules."
-- George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant