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Old 07-28-2014, 11:56 PM   #4356
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by SNR View Post
Dude, all Maynard Ferguson does is covers. What the hell was I supposed to post?
I know, my [J]HS band director played back up trumpet for Maynard. Heck, I didn't get a good look, but he might have been the guy with the mustache and coke bottle glasses in the middle of the trumpet line.

Somewhat trivial, but he's one the few artists I have on record, cassette and CD, unless Johnny Cash snuck a cassette in their along the way.
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Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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