51. chiefzilla1501
Chiefzilla is one of the friendliest football talkers on this forum.
And everybody ****ing hates his guts.
It's incredible. I've never seen a dedicated football poster NOT want to gouge this guy's eyes out. From all across the Chiefs fan spectrum, too. Drafturbators hate him. Milkman despises him. A balanced take guy like TheBadGuy hates him, too. BigChiefDave and Marcellus also hate him. JASONSAUTO really ****ing hates him, but that's because he doesn't exactly have a positive history with things named "zilla."
It's probably because he straddles the line between True Fan and Drafturbator like Hootie getting ready to teabag an unconscious college girl. He'll go from "Alex Smith is a limited player and needs a lot of help from his team, and the Chiefs just don't have the personnel to help him be successful" to "I heart Eric Fisher" at the drop of a goddamn hat. It's unnerving, unpredictable, and kind of scary, honestly.
Even I've been sparring with him recently over the Kevin Love trade, because his True Fan Cavs ass overvalues Andrew Wiggins. So now I also ****ing hate his guts.
**** Chiefzilla. I'm pretty sure he's a Nazi. He's probably hanging outside the Boulevard Brewery in Kansas City right now leading chants of HEIL HALEY with Crime Fighter.