53. Katipan
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Chiefs Planet is full of unsolved mysteries that lurk within its archives. Today we examine a concerning set of circumstances that involve the near entire disappearance of one of Chiefs Planet's greatest treasures: ENDelt260.
Before the forum knew the posting power of GoChiefs, there was ENDelt. His post count soared into the tens of thousands within the first few months of joining Chiefs Planet, each post hilarious and high quality and written in a drunken stupor. Everybody who knew him loved him.
Like all great men, however, ENDelt had a weakness for women. And unlike the other posters who post on Chiefs Planet to get away from their wives, ENDelt was drawn deeper and deeper into his squeeze until his posting dropped from the face of the earth, becoming as infrequent as Gaz's occasional day visits.
It is here that we investigate the woman behind this disappearance: Katipan. As rare as it is to encounter women on this forum, Katipan is a breed unto herself. Unlike Jenny Gump, she doesn't post here entirely to socialize with her husband's internet friends. Unlike luv, she isn't here for internet sex. Unlike tommykat, she's not an Alzheimer's patient who found the computer terminal at her nursing care facility. She came here for ENDelt, but stayed for... socializing with middle-aged bald dudes with goatees?
Some say ENDelt got a sex change and became Katipan. Others say Katipan killed ENDelt but now she misses all the times ENDelt would talk about Chiefs Planet during sex. Numerous theories exist, but no answers have yet to assert themselves as the likely explanation.