Originally Posted by rico
The joke that you made that really sticks out to me to this day for whatever reason, is when you roasted Dartgod. You wrote something about he and Frazod going on a double date together and having to shift the table away from their bellies because they are fat guys.  , I don't have anything against Frazod or Dartgod or their weight... Nor do I even really know anything about them other than I noticed that Frazod dude had quite the temper, is a Cardinals fan (awesome) and made that Pootie scale that some users here thought was really hilarious, but I thought was pretty... unfunny. ANYWAYS, that joke made me laugh my ass off. Every time I think back about you roasting, that is the joke that first comes to mind.
I have a big friend and he hates sitting in booths because he has a hard time fitting into them, and he always has to push them away so he can fit.
I generally incorporate real life things that happen to me in my roasts. Like giving steamy blowjobs behind Schlotzky's Deli.