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Old 07-14-2014, 11:47 PM   #3796
Discuss Thrower Discuss Thrower is online now
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Originally Posted by SNR View Post
57. Discuss Thrower

Okay, so the name is obviously a pun between a discuss and the word "discuss." Yeah, it doesn't work very well. "Discuss" just isn't a word that people tend to mess up on. It's not even a common typo. Outside of kcnut, ROYC75, or royr17, people are rarely that bad. The riff just isn't riff-worthy. Now if Discuss Thrower instead chose to make a desert/dessert pun in his username, that'd be a different story.

But what if that's not the angle? What if he's just playfully mixing the two words around? As one throws a discus, why can't they also throw up a discussion into the air? Ending each OP in a started thread with DISCUS seems to point to this as the story behind the username.

If that's the case, then wow... that's ****ing stupid. I thought Discuss Thrower got his Masters in Literature or something like that. People who are that well-read are usually wittier than Paula ****ing Poundstone. With a joke name as bad as that, it wouldn't surprise me if he agrees with Saccopoo about Moby Dick being the best book ever written.

"Discuss" Thrower? That doesn't even make ****ing sense. Discussion Thrower is what you're looking for. I get that then the connection to discus is removed, but that's not my problem. Why? BECAUSE IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE FIRST ****ING PLACE. If he's looking for toss-up ideas to relate to a discus, try looking for a pun that has to do with poop. Throwing poop at the wall. That's what he should have referenced. Because that's what he does.

Also, his "discuses" (HAHA ****ING HILARIOUS RITE?) are usually pretty awful. Take his last one as an example. What if the Chiefs had traded for Tony Gonzalez for 2013? Uhh... I don't know... unicorns would piss antifreeze? God, that question just reeks of the ivory tower he's been living in for the past few years (and I should know, because that's where I work). I'm anxiously awaiting his next thread about deconstructionism in the head coaching tenure of Todd Haley and if you think his coaching decisions lend themselves to latent smoldering homosexual urges buried deep within him.
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