06-18-2014, 05:50 AM
Hey Loochy, I'm hooome!
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Originally Posted by SNR
70. Omaha
Look, just shut up about the too fat thing, okay? It's not funny anymore, and I'm tired of people impulsively attaching it to the ends of posts of mine that they quote.
I really have great ideas that I want to share with you all, but I can never get real conversations started because everybody always replies with "too fat lol!" And people still laugh and high five each other when that happens! For crying out loud, the fat girl conversation is YEARS old at this point.
The real truth is I've been lying. I've never porked a chick lighter than 150 lbs in my life. Why? It's obvious-- in Omaha there exists no woman who is not obese. It's true. The best you can do is to hope she wouldn't tip the scale when weighed against frazod. That's right. 300 pounds. Against my worst enemies, I wish that their families would get raped by my girlfriend at the time. I actually ****ing love that shit. I eat it up.
So there. No chick is too fat for me. Drop the jokes, please.
Now let's talk about the Chiefs. The cheerleaders sure look great, don't they?
Ha. I knew Omaha loved the fatz
Hey Loochy, I'm hoooome!
Posts: 41,815