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Old 06-06-2014, 11:43 AM   #2427
rico rico is offline
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Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth View Post
So we're gonna need a new thread before we get through half of these.
No offense dude, but you remind me of a dude who has smelly armpits. I mean, I like you and all, but whenever I see you post...I read it and it is usually cool enough, but I swear I smell B.O. when I'm reading it. I don't what it is. If your username some how reminds me of it... (I used to get your name mixed up with that little German fatass kid who fell into a chocolate river in Charlie and the Chocolate actuality, I think it is Augustus Gloop) or maybe it's the avatar... Yeah, probably the avatar...that dude looks like he has smelly pits.

My Senior year in college, there was this Freshman who had this smelly pits disease. He has some sort of disorder or hormone imbalance that made him have awful, mind-numbing B.O. I went to a private Catholic college, so people there could be pretty mean and "hoity-toity." With that said, that kid's nickname the FIRST night of school was "Smelly." Everyone on campus knew him as "Smelly" within the first week of school beginning. I always felt bad for that kid, for if you were actually able to fight the stench and have a conversation with him, he was a really nice dude. He was obviously at the wrong college though...lotta arrogant, snide Chicaburbians there. I think Smelly caught on quick enough, for he transferred after the first semester. I mean, how awful would that be, having EVERYONE on campus not even knowing your real name, for they all know you exclusively as "Smelly?"

Originally Posted by Rausch View Post
Look, I dress like a 50 year old lesbian.
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rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.rico is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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