79. BryanBusby
I could be doing this job right now. I used to have that hilarious pouting Phillip Rivers gif avatar. I've always had my Craig James signature. I can say humorous things. I call people dumbasses all the time. I can type in complete sentences. I've even got a really gay Tyler Bray avatar now. PGM should be licking my nuts.
It's like OnTheWarpath58 and Mr Tomahawk hate ****ed each other and had me as a child. One of them might have raped the other, but that's getting off-topic. The point is: why not me? I'd be great.
My e-penis just isn't big enough, that's why. I'm not even sure about my real one, but in the meantime, I don't do enough. I have yet to let this forum take over my life in such a way beyond football that I wake up one day with a post count in 5 figures. And when I do, Craig James will have died of old age and I'll look like a complete ****ing asshole.
Originally Posted by Reaper16
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.