Originally Posted by PGM
How about a rico reaction video to Pain Olympics?
Seen it. It's difficult to get an "OMG" reaction out of me when watching these vids... I'd just be talking the whole time, being all like:
"Holy shit! that dude has a knife...he isn't going to cut his own balls off or anything? Oh...he did. Well that's too bad! Wow, I didn't realize it would look like that?! That blood, like....splurted all over the ground. What's is he tying into a knot? Are those his vas deferens? Wow, this dude can take a lot of pain!!! Is he on PCP? What is this dude on that would make him able to do this?!?! Oh....gee....he is cutting off his wiener too??! What's he going to do with it? Oh...he's gonna throw it in the trash. Well that's a waste. I'm assuming he is taking the transvestite route, right? I wonder if this person knows what they are doing with their junk? I wonder if they are licensed. I wonder if it is a sex-change surgeon who completes these procedures for other people?? If so, he's probably had practice. Well...that was pretty gross."
Yeah...my reaction would be annoying as hell.