Originally Posted by ClevelandBronco
The idea of a digital soul is intriguing, but transmitting souls is nothing new. It's been going on for millennia.
I was thinking more about the advantages of being able to address the situation from point of view of transmitting a mind rather than restricting it to the idea of transporting a brain and body.
But wouldn't that violate the no-cloning theorem (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-cloning_theorem)? Can't have two minds in a different state. As soon as one mind observes different surroundings, the states have changed. What happens when you erase your mind on one end, does it survive on the other? (Oh wait I guess you could just copy the data off the "entanglement gizmo" to a new container before erasing both ends.)
Although, how does one create "entangled pairs"? I'm assuming they have to be created together, which means one of them would have to make a long trip first.
(We need some real science geeks to post up something more understandable for the "less edumacated" like me.)