Thread: Science Who went to rockfest?
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Old 06-02-2014, 02:30 PM   #79
mikeyis4dcats. mikeyis4dcats. is offline
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Originally Posted by Cochise View Post
I went to it once, it was the same one sedated is describing, the year that STP was headlining. We found out what time they were supposed to start playing and showed up about an hour before that.

I saw half of Godsmack and then Johnny Dare's 60 year old ass ran up on the stage and claimed they had broken the beer drinking record at sandstone. Some white trash guy climbed up the structure that had been erected to hold the lighting up over the stage and was headbanging up at the tope of it, security had to talk him down off of there. There was some sort of a brawl up on the lawn right behind us but that probably happens all day.

Mostly it was hairy, sweaty, sleeveless shirts or no shirt, rat tail wearing trailer-park kind of crowd, and the kind of women you'd expect to accompany them.
The STP show was at Libery Memorial. I went because my buddy had free tickets from his brother's guitar shop.
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