Thread: Science Who went to rockfest?
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Old 06-02-2014, 09:34 AM   #50
Omaha Omaha is offline
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Originally Posted by Coochie liquor View Post
True. My issue with it is if you're gonna go into a pit, or crowd surf you know what's gonna happen before you do it. I'm not one for touching under ages girls inappropriately, but if I girl doesn't think that's gonna happen before she does it, she's not very smart. And I'd have some respect for him if he would have handled it like Phil Anselmo, and jump in there yourself and fix the prob. And who in the name of god would kick someone's ass cuz the singer for Staind told you to? I saw RATM many years ago and Zack coulda started a riot if he wanted. Dude was fired up and held the crowd in his hand.... but Staind??
People who listen to Staind aren't the best and brightest. They are people who listen to Staind. They'd probably do it.
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