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Old 06-01-2014, 09:11 PM   #1648
Bowser Bowser is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: KC North
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Originally Posted by Direckshun View Post
That does beg the question: would anybody like to debate gun control?

I've come to believe you folks would be receptive.
Moderator - "We are here tonight to witness the debate of gun control. Debating for the subject at hand is Direckshun. Direckshun, the floor is yours for the opening 5 minutes."

Direckshun - "Thank you, Mr. Moderator. It is an honor to be here tonight to enlighten those of you who are not..."

*loud bang from moderator's table; Direckshun falls to floor*

Moderator - "Thank you Mr. Direckshun. That was quite informative. This concludes our time here tonight. Good night and be safe."
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