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Old 05-31-2014, 08:08 PM   #1476
Simply Red Simply Red is offline
You Sweetie!
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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About Smed1065

Still waiting for the SB

QB Land

Football, fishing,hunting,whitewater rafting

Retired Army

It is true I only come here drunk. Why would I come here sober to hear the "experts" be wrong but cram it down like Pioli tried.

"**** you PGM i had gone day and night crying myself sleep.

Ou dont know you're ass from your elbow!!!!!

You should try another adtention hore thread! momas claynus is probbly your cousing your ****!!"

"& Simply Red, you act like u help out everybody on CP yet you never do, you are a foney, I even tried calling u - u never help!"

dont act like anyof you care! I quite drinking about 4 months ago!

You don't care so stop actin like your smug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Positive outlook for the second half of 2014 = Jim Beam and mad resentful posting styles.
Posts: 71,691
Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.Simply Red is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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