Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: QB Land
Casino cash: $2002809
About Smed1065
Still waiting for the SB
QB Land
Football, fishing,hunting,whitewater rafting
Retired Army
It is true I only come here drunk. Why would I come here sober to hear the "experts" be wrong but cram it down like Pioli tried.
"**** you PGM i had gone day and night crying myself sleep.
Ou dont know you're ass from your elbow!!!!!
You should try another adtention hore thread! momas claynus is probbly your cousing your ****!!"
"& Simply Red, you act like u help out everybody on CP yet you never do, you are a foney, I even tried calling u - u never help!"
dont act like anyof you care! I quite drinking about 4 months ago!
You don't care so stop actin like your smug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Positive outlook for the second half of 2014 = Jim Beam and mad resentful posting styles.