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Old 05-24-2014, 08:28 PM   #387
rico rico is offline
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Originally Posted by PGM View Post
I lurked for well over a year before joining. This place was intimidating at first
Dude, I DESTROY my few local Chiefs fan friends when I talk Chiefs with them. However, when I lurked for maybe 6 months prior to joining, then eventually joined the planet (although I was adamant while thinking to myself that I wouldn't join this cesspool...****, it's addicting), I learned quickly as to how stupid I really was when it came to the Chiefs...and further yet, just how utterly ****ing reeruned everybody I talk Chiefs football with in Iowa is. I mean...they are really ****ing stupid. Out of my first 20-30 or so posts, I think I was told to burn in the infamous AIDS tree and/or drink antifreeze to put myself out of my own stupidity-induced 15 times...on neg reps. And I was friendly in my posts that I was neg-repped in.

It was brutal.

And I've learned so much from all you fellers who post your football takes... I don't post my football takes too frequently because I am not 100% confident in my knowledge of it quite may be another 5 years before I start posting my football thoughts on a consistent basis. I refuse to post them unless I am confident in them.

This board really, for the most part, has an array of intelligent football minds. An array of generally intelligent people for that matter. And a lot of idiots...but even the idiots somehow have a way of guising there stupidity. It takes a while to be able to pinpoint some of these folks.

Hell...I quit writing in my blog (that I had maintained for 5 year prior to joining) for a year immediately after joining CP, for I was so impressed with the quality of writing on made me feel a bit self-conscious about my own writing. Therefore, I sat back, observed and attempted to learn from you guys as writers as well, before I began posting new entries in my blog. So many of you write so eloquently...and have such unique online voices or personas, regardless of how awesome and/or idiotic you tend to be.

Yeah, joining CP was an eye-opener for me...really. Kind of a mind-**** for a while there.

Originally Posted by Rausch View Post
Look, I dress like a 50 year old lesbian.
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