Originally Posted by Radar Chief
Under estimated it a bit, looked it up and they’ve been racing there since 1907. So basically since there have been motorcycle races they’ve been racing them around the Isle of Man.
But if you guys think that one’s nuts check out the North West 200.
Held in Northern Ireland it’s a motorcycle race on public streets like the IOM TT but unlike that race where they start off individually and race against the clock, at the NW 200 they grid up just like on a race track. So those guys are racing elbow to elbow, swapping paint, late braking and jockeying for position. It’s a race for guys that think the IOM TT is a little too soft and sissified for them.
Anyone catch the end of last week's NASCAR truck series? Talk about hell in a handbasket. Final lap had 3 sets of draft-teams abreast at the front, another draft team rode into their back end hard and nearly everyone spun out. Of the first 15-20 or so on final lap only the race winner/guy completely out in front crossed the line in shape and maybe half crossed the line at all.