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Best Or Worst Retail Exp??????
I was just wondering if any of you had a good or bad day at a retail store? or work at one and have some info into why some customers think they own the place they spend there money in? and why customer service has gone down hill??
some customers are dumb b/c the average IQ of middle america (the types that shop at those places... not the overly rich) is only around 80.... if you isolate them, they're tolerable, but if you have to deal with moron after moron, they tend to have a crowd effect... one moron turns into the same one before that, until soon, you're grabbing an ak47 and shooting their asses...
-EBOLA-...the mail never stops either ;) |
Just like my SIG, says is how i treat people, you treat me good i will treat you the same way if you treat me like shi! then you get the idea.
Retail workers dont get paid squat and most of them do the best they can and i think they only treat you bad is when you treat them bad or as a 2nd class citizen. CASHMAN. |
Re: Q
I've worked retail before, and I'm still a customer to this day :) Apply your statement to salespeople and you'll start to understand the consumer's point of view. Those of you in retail sales, do you find all of your co-workers competent? |
Re: Re: Q
oh well allways remember that not any one is perfect and try not to excpect it and all will be ok maybe?????????:) CASHMAN. |
The fact that you think any customer is stupid shows that you need to choose another field to work in..preferably one that let's you have little or no contact with others, since you think so little of them.
mmaddog ************* |
I get irritated at sales clerks that look down at you. A few years back, the Wife and I go into a Mall. She's wanting some perfume for Christmas so we head into the Penny's store. Now, I must regress here, I'm stuck in slacks, shirts, ties, etc enough. I was feeling like being comfortable, so we both were wearing jeans and nice sweatchirts. The stuff-shirted lady at the counter wouldn't wait on us. When we asked for help, she pulled out one bottle, not the stuff the wife asked for either, and then left us while she stood at the other end of the counter.
Finally, I said, loud enough for the lady to hear, "If they don't want to help us, we will go someplace else." Went down the mall to Dillards (quite a bit fancier than Pennys BTW) and the lady there was so courteous that we bought the bigger bottle of the perfume, some cologne for me, and a number of other things. Spent a good bit of money in there. The Penny's lady could have had that sale if her attitude had been different. One more, Incedentily, another Pennys. Wife bought me a dress shirt last fall while in Wichita, where they had a sale, buy one at full price get the second for a buck. So her and her mom slip the money and bought shirts for me and her dad. Problem was, mine didn't fit. So we went into the local Pennys store and looked around. Found a shirt that I liked, but I didn't have a tie or slacks to match, so we shoped around until we found both. Went to the checkout and the cashier (told the wife just take the shirt up with the tags on it, and don't give them the reciept - she didn't listen), a younger lady in her teens gets obstinate with the wife. Says that she can only give my wife $1 for the shirt. I walk up to the counter and ask what is going on. The cashier tells me that since my wife bought the shirt at a sale, she can only give us the sale price. I pointed out that the shirt was almost identical to the one we brought back, just a little bigger and a different color. She pointed out that the buttons were barely different. I pointed out that the shirt we picked up was the same price as the original shirt and they had the same sale going on - get second for $1. She wouldn't listen. So I spoke a little louder and said, "For a buck, I'll just take the shirt we brought in back home and use it for a rag. And since we aren't exchanging the shirt, I won't need this $50 pair of slacks or this $25 dollar tie." Wasn't but a moment after I said this, the assistant manager dropped in, made an even swap on the shirts and helped us with the rest of the stuff. Sales clerks can be so irritating! |
I'm a waitor at a restaraunt and to be quite honest with you, if you come in looking like trash, you get bad service, BUT I have my certain characteristics that I look for to determine if I'm going to give them bad service:
1) if you come in and I've served you before and I know you don't tip, then they'll just get the worst service in the world (and NO I wouldn't ever spit in the food or shit like that, just no refills and really really slow and rude service) 2) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with the confederate flag on it 3) if the person is wearing ANYTHING with Nascar on it 4) if the person has a mullet 5) if they are rude to me regardless of what you look like 6) if they are missing teeth (unless they are really polite) 7) if they look like they are in high school 8) if they are wearing dirty t-shirts 9) if they are wearing John Deer hats 10) if I just get the "I'm not getting a tip from this table vibe" People really PISS me off when I give them good service and they leave crappy tips, I'd rather have fun with them and give them horrible service and not get a tip so they will be reluctant to come back. |
To those defending retail clerks, restaruant workers, etc.
I think those people need to remember WHY they have a job. They aren't there to hang clothes on a rack, they are there to sell them to a customer. The more pleasant, cheerful and helpful they are, the more clothes they will sell. They aren't there to take the fries out of the hot cooking oil, they are there to sell those fries. The more pleasant, cheerful and helpful they are, the more likely they will sell that person a soda and maybe even a hamburger to go with it. They have a job because of the customer. I worked at a Wendy's franchise for 6 1/2 years (3 stores, same company). You treat customers decently, they will do likewise. I can't remember how many upset customers got over their anger in a hurry when they found out that someone cared and would help them solve their problem. It pays to treat the customer well, even if they are jerks. |
I'll be honest with you KCCHiefsman, if I come in and get bad service, their won't be any tip left.:)
Furthermore, if the service is bad enough, the manager usually finds out. Paying customers are just that. And they should be treated decently regardless of how much loot is being left on the table, how they look, what kind of car they drive up in, ETC. |
Re: Cashman...
And with that said i beat that you think the customer is allways right? no matter what and you should be treated like royalty? and if you arent getting your butt kissed by all associates then that is so rude. And i do know alot of people in retail and they say the people with the best attitudes are the CHIEFS PLAYERS!! they arent rude and dont excpect them to jump thur hoops for them. CUSTOMERS DO PAY THERE CHECKS, BUT THEY DONT SIGN THEM:) CASHMAN. |
I understand the reasons behind poor service and can sympathize, but as a customer, I feel I deserve good service, not good excuses. Yes I do have a choice, and yes I do excercise my choice often and go somehwere else. I do feel that the management of a company under certain circumstances needs to know what is going on in their store. There are 'customers from hell' that will gripe over nothing, but that's life. I think that to take a stance that all customers are a pain in the *** is a very poor attitude and to not bring instances of exceptionally bad customer service to the management's attention will not only fail to resolve your issue, but damage the company in the long term as well. |
I wonder if the head manager read this if he would be retaining your services. |
Look at your post....maybe i should repost it for you...
Yes, I think the customer is always right...especially for the Associate...the only person who should try to reason with a customer and infer they might be incorrect is the Manager. Why? Because in most cases he is the person best equipped to handle that type of situation. Most Associates are not prepared to handle situations that arise. And FWIW, not all Professional athletes are courteous! Ask a few of the waitresses at your local tavern. mmaddog *********** |
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