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big nasty kcnut 11-26-2023 12:08 AM

****The Official Chiefs vs Raiders game day thread****
Well this is payback time. Time for those raiders to call out for mommy.

cabletech94 11-26-2023 12:09 AM


Dartgod 11-26-2023 12:11 AM

I was about ready to start this myself. Hopefully Nut's mojo makes a 180 this week.

Rasputin 11-26-2023 12:12 AM

**** the Raiders

Buehler445 11-26-2023 12:15 AM

Piss on the Faid.

cabletech94 11-26-2023 12:18 AM

I like it!! Confidence is good up in here. Keep it coming!!!

carcosa 11-26-2023 12:19 AM

KC Chiefs will win imho

smithandrew051 11-26-2023 12:22 AM

I’m in. LFG.

Thank god “Raiders” didn’t autocorrect to “Ravens”.

We are so back.

Rasputin 11-26-2023 12:28 AM

Let's make the Raiders the next longest streak of beating a team in the NFL

Pointer19 11-26-2023 12:29 AM

The Chiefs are on the War Path!

Rasputin 11-26-2023 12:30 AM


Rasputin 11-26-2023 12:34 AM

**** the Raiders / Abraham Lincoln probably

KC Hawks 11-26-2023 12:40 AM

Patrick Mahomes is better than Aidan O'Connell IMHO

threebag 11-26-2023 12:53 AM

LFG nut

Bump 11-26-2023 01:25 AM

good time for this legendary defense to get it's first shutout!

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