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Mama Hip Rockets 06-23-2016 07:54 AM

Most Unlikable Baseball Player Tournament - Round 4, Heat 1 (The Hated Eight)
Please vote for the player you dislike the most in each heat. Feel free to give reasons (words, pictures, videos, etc.) why this player is unlikable, as it may not always be immediately evident and you may persuade others to join in your disdain of douchey players. Two players who advanced from the first three rounds will be chosen randomly for each heat, and the winner of each heat will go to the Final Four.


Jose Bautista (Orioles, Rays, Royals, Pirates, Blue Jays)
Unlikable Traits:
- Constantly whines to umpires about everything. Can be seen five minutes after he strikes out still yelling at the umpire from the dugout.
- Known for his excessive bat flipping, stare-downs, and general cockiness.
- Faked out Royals fans by pretending to throw them a ball in the playoffs and then holding on to it (has also done this to other teams' fans).
- Threw his teammate under the bus for not catching a pop-up that was clearly his.
- Slid into Rougned Odor with no intention of touching second base. Proceeded to get up and pretend he wanted to fight before getting clocked by Odor. Then he had the nerve to call the Rangers "cowardly" after the game.
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Francisco Rodriguez (Angels, Mets, Brewers, Orioles, Tigers)
Unlikable Traits:
- Arrested for punching his father-in-law in the face, then screamed f-bombs at reporters who asked him about it. He actually punched the guy so hard that he tore ligaments in his own hand, causing him to miss the rest of the season.
- Was later arrested for beating up his girlfriend as well. A story also broke that he had previously beaten the woman so badly in Venezuela that she had to be hospitalized.
- Violated court orders not to contact his girlfriend after the arrest, and proceeded to send her 56 text messages anyway. Some of the gems he sent included:
-- "Thank you for sinking me and turning your back"
-- "Remember, greed is the first step toward treason."
-- "What are you going to tell the children when they grow up and we have nothing after you accused me of and destroyed my career." (his 15th and final text of that day)

- Also known for being a cocky hothead on the field.

old_geezer 06-23-2016 08:36 AM

From what I see Bautista is a total jerk on the baseball field; Rodriguez is a total loser in life. My vote goes to the man who thinks it's ok to beat up his girlfriend.

wazu 06-23-2016 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by old_geezer (Post 12286821)
From what I see Bautista is a total jerk on the baseball field; Rodriguez is a total loser in life. My vote goes to the man who thinks it's ok to beat up his girlfriend.

This was my thought process. I'm actually kind of entertained by Bautista's antics. He's a fantastic troll.

Mama Hip Rockets 06-23-2016 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 12287026)
This was my thought process. I'm actually kind of entertained by Bautista's antics. He's a fantastic troll.

You guys are the only two to vote that way so far. I was tempted to, but Bautista is just too over the top.

DJJasonp 06-23-2016 08:28 PM

there's no room for bitches in baseball - and bautista is the queen of bitches.

Perineum Ripper 06-23-2016 08:47 PM

So the Chiefs draft a guy who hit and choked a woman..this place melts down..almost goes full Mutiny on the Bounty

In a dislike contest the guy who beats his girlfriend and puts a woman in the hospital..texts one woman saying she ruined his life..only gets 5 votes to 35 against a guy who is just a big bag of bitch

KC_Connection 06-23-2016 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by mac459 (Post 12287713)
So the Chiefs draft a guy who hit and choked a woman..this place melts down..almost goes full Mutiny on the Bounty

In a dislike contest the guy who beats his girlfriend and puts a woman in the hospital..texts one woman saying she ruined his life..only gets 5 votes to 35 against a guy who is just a big bag of bitch

Bautista upset the Royals fans with his troll toss and home runs, though. LMAO

lewdog 06-23-2016 09:11 PM


Q. Why do ducks fly over Rogers Centre upside down?

A. There's nothing worth craping on!

C3HIEF3S 06-23-2016 09:13 PM

To be fair, it was a nice throw to second base.

TomBarndtsTwin 06-23-2016 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by KC_Connection (Post 12287738)
Bautista upset the Royals fans with his troll toss and home runs, though. LMAO

Bautista is a big ole bag of douche, but we Royals fans sincerely thank him for being a dumbass and throwing to second instead of hitting the cutoff man, allowing us to score the winning run in Game 6.

But he still deserves all these votes . . . . .

wazu 06-24-2016 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by mac459 (Post 12287713)
So the Chiefs draft a guy who hit and choked a woman..this place melts down..almost goes full Mutiny on the Bounty

In a dislike contest the guy who beats his girlfriend and puts a woman in the hospital..texts one woman saying she ruined his life..only gets 5 votes to 35 against a guy who is just a big bag of bitch

To be fair, Bautista is a household name for being hated. He's easily the most hated nationally. It's actually pretty impressive. He elicits an emotional reaction. The other guy is obviously a worse dude, but so few people have even heard of him compared to Bautista. It's less "fun".

Mama Hip Rockets 06-24-2016 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by wazu (Post 12288018)
To be fair, Bautista is a household name for being hated. He's easily the most hated nationally. It's actually pretty impressive. He elicits an emotional reaction. The other guy is obviously a worse dude, but so few people have even heard of him compared to Bautista. It's less "fun".

Yeah, part of the thing that makes certain players more unlikable is how they conduct themselves on the field combined with how often you watch them. If we were just judging by off the field stuff, Matt Bush would probably win this competition. But hardly anyone even knows who he is or has watched him play.

It's the same reason you'd see Philip Rivers go further in an NFL version of this tournament than a bunch of criminals.

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