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eazyb81 12-08-2011 07:52 AM

Another hot teacher caught having sex with student
I can't imagine the epic game this 13 year old must have to nail this hottie. What a stone cold pimp.


​A 28-year-old Lake Charles-area woman faces a bevy of charges after Louisiana police said she repeatedly had sex with a 13-year-old boy who she met at the Bible camp where she was a teacher/aide.

According to the Sulphur Daily News, Heather Daughdrill initiated the relationship in June and it continued until a complaint was filed in October. After her arrest on November 29, police told the paper that Daughdrill would pick her victim up from school without his parents' knowledge and subject him to sexual encounters. Louisiana cops also reportedly found sexually explicit texts between Daughdrill and her victim.

El Jefe 12-08-2011 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8179994)
I can't imagine the epic game this 13 year old must have to nail this hottie. What a stone cold pimp.

13 year old she met at Bible Camp? Oh the irony.

Saulbadguy 12-08-2011 07:54 AM

eazyb81 12-08-2011 07:56 AM

"These women aren't criminals, they're dream makers"

- Greg Giraldo.

rageeumr 12-08-2011 07:58 AM

Her eyes scream "I'm bat shit crazy" to me.

cabletech94 12-08-2011 07:58 AM

why did i go to cub scout camp instead of bible camp?

damn you, troop 86!!!!

LOCOChief 12-08-2011 08:00 AM

That kid must have been one happy camper.

evenfall 12-08-2011 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8179999)
"These women aren't criminals, they're dream makers"

- Greg Giraldo.

Dude, the kid is 13.

The Iron Chief 12-08-2011 08:03 AM

"After her arrest on November 29, police told the paper that Daughdrill would pick her victim up from school without his parents' knowledge and subject him to sexual encounters"

Ask this boy if he felt like a victim when this lady was giving him a BJ,HJ or teaching him how to blow his baby batter inside her.

On the other side what the hells going on with all these stories one after another.
I get the woman may have had an abusive boyfriend or husband and enjoys the innocence of a young kid but 13?! there always young way too young.
And just like many criminal acts did this lady really think i'll never get caught.

I was 18 when one of my uncles good friends(36) decided to ask me to come over to watch a movie after we went bowling one night.
It was an awesome night and the experience of an older lady was a WoW.
But I Was 18 not freakin 13!

QuikSsurfer 12-08-2011 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8179999)
"These women aren't criminals, they're dream makers"

- Greg Giraldo.

LMAO jesus

Pants 12-08-2011 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by evenfall (Post 8180007)
Dude, the kid is 13.

Yeah, 8th grade. I was one horny little mother****er in 8th grade and would have given my left nut to bang a hot teacher.

gblowfish 12-08-2011 09:20 AM

I'll bet he's got a tremendous pup tent.

Fritz88 12-08-2011 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 8179999)
"These women aren't criminals, they're dream makers"

- Greg Giraldo.

Posted via Mobile Device

Deberg_1990 12-08-2011 09:40 AM

Wow, heres another one.....this has gotten to the point now where we can call it "fairly common".

A married grade school teacher sexually assaulted a 15-year-old boy, luring him to her car during halftime at a football game where she showed him a box of condoms before taking off her clothes and having sex with him.
Julie Ann Moore, 34, from Potter County, Texas, turned herself in after a month-long investigation uncovered the sexual relationship with the Amarillo High School student.
Moore is a third-grade teacher at Sanborn Elementary school and allegedly asked the teenage boy to come to her car during an Amarillo High school football game so she could 'show him something'.
According to the complaint, the boy followed her to the car, where she told him to look in the console where he saw a box of condoms.
The teenagers allegedly told investigators Moore drove him to the back of a nearby apartment complex, where they climbed into the back seat.
She then began kissing the boy, removing her clothes first and then his before the two had sex for ten to 15 minutes, according to the complaint.

Moore then allegedly drove the boy back to the stadium before the second half began.
The exchange is said to have taken place in September or October and Texas Rangers began their investigation in November, according to the Amarillo Globe News.
It followed allegations that Moore had exchanged inappropriate text messages with at least one high school student, though the affidavit mentions three 15-year-old boys.

On November 11, Rangers seized a Dell laptop computer, two USB flash drives and an AT&T Subscriber Identity Module card, from her Randall County home, according to court records.
According to the Globe News, a Ranger met with a 15-year-old student a week before the searches who detailed 'three sexual encounters' with Moore.

'They were hugging, sitting next to each other during the football game, walking off together and speaking privately together for a lengthy amount of time'The student said he and Moore exchanged about 100 text messages — half of them 'extremely sexually explicit' — over three months, starting in June and ending in August, the affidavits said.
The student said that Moore kissed him with an open mouth and rubbed the front of his pants as well as offering him oral sex.

The affidavits also described a meeting between a DPS official and a Texas Ranger last month.

The official told investigators he observed Moore and a 15-year-old boy at an Amarillo High game 'hugging, sitting next to each other during the football game, walking off together and speaking privately together for a lengthy amount of time'.
If found guilty of the sexual assault, Moore could face anything from two to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Predarat 12-08-2011 09:47 AM

Teacher job openings.

A degree in education
If female, Must be a AudioFile Slore

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