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greg63 10-20-2005 01:39 AM

Who's your favorite KC Superfan?
You see them on TV, in person and cheering the loudest, not to mention their charity involvement. Now here's your chance to vote for your favorite "Superfan"

Hammock Parties 10-20-2005 01:41 AM

Arrowman. The first one I knew of and still the best. He must have spent a fortune on opposing jerseys over the years.

greg63 10-20-2005 01:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I gotta go with Weird Wolf.

greg63 10-20-2005 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by gochiefs
Arrowman. The first one I knew of and still the best. He must have spent a fortune on opposing jerseys over the years.

ROFL True, I like Weird Wolfs look though.

tk13 10-20-2005 01:45 AM

I gotta go with Skip Towne. He can leap tall noobs and install satellites in a single bound.

greg63 10-20-2005 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by tk13
I gotta go with Skip Towne. He can leap tall noobs and install satellites in a single bound.


Abba-Dabba 10-20-2005 01:55 AM


OldTownChief 10-20-2005 05:08 AM

FDE is da man.

Sully 10-20-2005 05:58 AM

Anyone who DOESN'T wear makeup or an outfit which makes him/ her look like a Raiders fan who happens to be wearing red.

philfree 10-20-2005 06:02 AM

You left out Belly Boy. Isn't he considered a Superfan?


cadmonkey 10-20-2005 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by gochiefs
Arrowman. The first one I knew of and still the best. He must have spent a fortune on opposing jerseys over the years.

This kinda reminds me of this guy that sits near me at the Patriots games. He is known as Pittsburgh, and routes against the Pats every single game. He has had season tickets for close to 35 years. He wears an old school yellow Pittsburgh Pirates batting helmet, and is now close to 60 years old.

We have a theory that he must have lost A LOT of money (like his house, wife and kids) at one time and hated them ever since. People used to get pissed off when he would cheer for the other team but now its just part our section.

Dartgod 10-20-2005 07:03 AM

I had to go with FDE because I was partly responsible for his creation. In fact, and Stevie will have to verify this because I don't remember exactly, but I think I came up with the name of First Down Elvis.

MOhillbilly 10-20-2005 07:05 AM

FDE-far and away combines Elvis & Kansas City Chiefs Football.....doesnt get better than that.

BigRedChief 10-20-2005 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by philfree
You left out Belly Boy. Isn't he considered a Superfan?


No, he's not a super fan. Have you ever met the dude? These guys spend their time going to Childrens Mercy hospital, charity events being around kids. I don't think I've ever seen the dude when he wasn't drunk. Not that Lynn, Stevieray etc are angels or don't get drunk theirselfs but they do present theirselfs in a positive fashion when they are in public.

The anti-belly boy

philfree 10-20-2005 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief
No, he's not a super fan. Have you ever met the dude? These guys spend their time going to Childrens Mercy hospital, charity events being around kids. I don't think I've ever seen the dude when he wasn't drunk. Not that Lynn, Stevieray etc are angels or don't get drunk theirselfs but they do present theirselfs in a positive fashion when they are in public.

The anti-belly boy

I've never met Belly Boy but it was really meant in jest. I voted for FDE FWIW.


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