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KCChiefsMan 04-29-2004 11:47 PM

My theory: How to eliminate girls' control over sex

KCChiefsMan 04-29-2004 11:48 PM

My theory: How to eliminate girls' control over sex.

listopencil 04-29-2004 11:50 PM

That's funny, I haven't slept with every woman who wanted to sleep with me. And It's been offered quite a few times. Now that I am married it happens more than ever. Learn to master your penis.

Bob's Your Uncle 04-29-2004 11:51 PM

Wouldn't work. The sexbot would get predictable and boring after awhile. Kind of like a wife. ROFL

Bob Dole 04-29-2004 11:53 PM

Whatever you do, please refrain from giving us any background information regarding this topic.

Bob's Your Uncle 04-29-2004 11:55 PM

Here you go KCChiefsman:

Ebolapox 04-29-2004 11:55 PM

<img src="">


Ebolapox 04-29-2004 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
Girls have 100% control over sex, correct? girls go out to bars expecting to get hit on and can easily score ass whenever they want. Girls could go up to any guy and just say "Hey, wanna go have some sex?" and it's that easy for them. They don't do that because they have complete control. Girls can afford to be bitches when they want and they can easily turn down 10-20 guys in a night at a bar. Well folks, here is what we need to invent.

Realistic sex robots. Robots, or androids kinda, that feel and act real and are good at sex. They need to be very lifelike and affordable. They need to be able to move and easy to clean. If these were on the market, and most single guys had one. They wouldn't pursue girls with the passion we do now. We might try a little at the bar, but motivation would be at an all time low. Because we now if we don't go home with nothing that night, we always have our sex bots to screw when we get home. This would eliminate most of the control women have with sex. Girls would start hitting on guys and only the hot, rich celebrity type women would be able to remain the same.

This would be a revolution!
Somebody, steal my idea and invent this shit!


gochiefs had NOTHING on you, dawg


listopencil 04-30-2004 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Wow. I've been under the impression you might be a dipshit, but this seals it.

I'm.... I'm fucking speechless.

Maybe you should just retire. You and this guy can start a club or

Nobody told me that I could post my own comments on that site...

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:18 AM

Your threads and posts just kill me. Its like an 8th grade boy trying to really hard to be funny and cool in front of the other kids.

I don't why that image comes to my head but it does...

I love Chiefsplanet.

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
Wow. I've been under the impression you might be a dipshit, but this seals it.

I'm.... I'm fucking speechless.

Maybe you should just retire. You and this guy can start a club or something.

oh, sorry that I cannot be the complete stud star you are.

You don't have my sense of humor. So what, are you offended by that? Did I offend you in any way?

Why don't you go screw yourself

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by ZachKC
Your threads and posts just kill me. Its like an 8th grade boy trying to really hard to be funny and cool in front of the other kids.

I don't why that image comes to my head but it does...

I love Chiefsplanet.

alright man, I have a sense of humor. I get ideas in my head.

Do you guys want me to apologize for that or something?

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
Do you guys want me to apologize for that or something?

Not at all. Why would you apologize?

stumppy 04-30-2004 12:31 AM

How wrong you are. Once they dip their toe in stumppy Lake............

well, need I say more?

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
oh, sorry that I cannot be the complete stud star you are.

You don't have my sense of humor. So what, are you offended by that? Did I offend you in any way?

Why don't you go screw yourself

ROFLROFLROFL Words can't describe...

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by ZachKC
Not at all. Why would you apologize?

well, I just been called a dipshit because of this theory of mine. I didnt know that I insulted anybody in any way. I don't appreciate being called a dipshit. If having a theory about sex makes me a dipshit then I would not know how to classify some of you people.

I'm just more open about sex topics than most people are. I'm not embarrased or ashamed to admit things or talk about them. I know where I stand, I know what I can accomplish.

I see a lot of judging on here. People are constantly judging everybody else. I don't think that most of these people are very secure.

stumppy 04-30-2004 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
oh, sorry that I cannot be the complete stud star you are.

Have you seen the pic of him and the cow?ROFLROFLROFL

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by stumppy
Have you seen the pic of him and the cow?ROFLROFLROFL

a cow? are ya kiddin me?

listopencil 04-30-2004 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by stumppy
How wrong you are. Once they dip their toe in stumppy Lake............

well, need I say more?

Not the image I would have gone for, but to each his own.

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
I don't have the cash on hand at the moment to order that Japanese machine you were so fond of in the other thread.

I'm sure you don't

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by ENDelt260
All this talk of apologizing. Listen, dude... there's no need to tell us you're sorry. We all already know.

what makes you so much better than me? I'd like to know. Whats your beef with me? you know what......I don't even care.

listopencil 04-30-2004 12:37 AM

And that will be all for this segment of the Dr. Ruth Show, next up...hermaphrodites! After the break!

stumppy 04-30-2004 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
a cow? are ya kiddin me?

Go back about a year in the archives, maybe less. look for anything Taco John posted. It was his signature pic. Funny ass hell.

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
well, I just been called a dipshit because of this theory of mine. I didnt know that I insulted anybody in any way. I don't appreciate being called a dipshit. If having a theory about sex makes me a dipshit then I would not know how to classify some of you people.

I'm just more open about sex topics than most people are. I'm not embarrased or ashamed to admit things or talk about them. I know where I stand, I know what I can accomplish.

I see a lot of judging on here. People are constantly judging everybody else. I don't think that most of these people are very secure.

Well it seems as though the only person taking this to seriously is you.

Just a tip: If you post something that is pretty funny then people will laugh on this board. There are all kinds of folks with great twisted sense of humors that are up for something funny. This just didn't do it so you are getting pissy...

I just think you are trying to hard to post thing that you think we want to hear...

So if you are really pissed off by the things we say I don't think board is for you. If you can let it slide off and just go with the flow then things will work out a lot better for you.

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:40 AM

Did the meanies on this thread force you to edit out your posts? Come on...

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by ZachKC
Well it seems as though the only person taking this to seriously is you.

Just a tip: If you post something that is pretty funny then people will laugh on this board. There are all kinds of folks with great twisted sense of humors that are up for something funny. This just didn't do it so you are getting pissy...

I just think you are trying to hard to post thing that you think we want to hear...

So if you are really pissed off by the things we say I don't think board is for you. If you can let it slide off and just go with the flow then things will work out a lot better for you.

well, I just have a hard time being disrespected. I have never been insulting to anybody who did not initiate it with me. Well, when I was with nepa chiefs, that was different and a long time ago. But otherwise, I've shown people respect, or at least I haven't disrespected anybody

Joe Seahawk 04-30-2004 12:43 AM

OK baldy..

Bob Dole 04-30-2004 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Seahawk
OK baldy..

Thief! Thief!

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
well, I just have a hard time being disrespected. I have never been insulting to anybody who did not initiate it with me. Well, when I was with nepa chiefs, that was different and a long time ago. But otherwise, I've shown people respect, or at least I haven't disrespected anybody

Well its just hard to respect someone who comes with the kind of content...can you blame us?

The STD thread...

The discrimination thread...

The ripping on the roomate thread...

The "Hey I am gonna make a thread so you can see me with girls" thread...

Its just seems like you crave attention on this board. And you do jackass things. Alot of the way you have described yourself on this board paints you as a jackass. I don't think I am way off base here.

listopencil 04-30-2004 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by ZachKC
I don't think I am way off base here.

No, I'd have to say you're spot-on.

stumppy 04-30-2004 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by ZachKC
Did the meanies on this thread force you to edit out your posts? Come on...

:thumb:If you post it to begin with you damn well better have the balls to weather the storm.

|Zach| 04-30-2004 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by stumppy
:thumb:If you post it to begin with you damn well better have the balls to weather the storm.

Lord knows I have made some crappy threads but hey the worst you can do is watch them sink down on the page and off into BB oblivian...


listopencil 04-30-2004 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by EBOLA

If nothing else, this thread was worthwhile because it gave me another pic to save in my "message board" collection.

listopencil 04-30-2004 12:57 AM

I've got a bunch of them, mostly from here.

|Zach| 04-30-2004 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by listopencil
I've got a bunch of them, mostly from here.

If you like gathering up those pictures then you should check out this section of my website. Basically there is a collection of pictures and everytime you hit refresh it gives you another is a pretty interesting mixed collection of pictures...alot of them taken from here...

Just something you may like...

Bob's Your Uncle 04-30-2004 01:54 AM

Did anyone check out the realdolls website? F'n creepy...

Bob's Your Uncle 04-30-2004 02:10 AM

It's OK, I understand. If it makes you feel any better I didn't get to see that awesome comeback in the 9th, I missed the whole game.

Apparently these realdolls are quite sophisticated. They cost 6 grand.

The FAQ is interesting.

Fairplay 04-30-2004 02:47 AM

This thread= :shake:

stumppy 04-30-2004 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Fairplay
This thread= :shake:

HEY!!! Most of the friggen night crew= :shake:


Ultra Peanut 04-30-2004 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by ZachKC
Your threads and posts just kill me. Its like an 8th grade boy trying to really hard to be funny and cool in front of the other kids.

I don't why that image comes to my head but it does...

I love Chiefsplanet.

Yeah. Like Slayer, but much more juvenile.

Ultra Peanut 04-30-2004 03:17 AM

You know, I was going to call him a reerun about three hours ago, but I got distracted by Eb's pic and followed the link to find more good ones.

Wile_E_Coyote 04-30-2004 03:52 AM

this thread was brought to you, by the friendly folks at PETA

Ultra Peanut 04-30-2004 04:09 AM

Thanks, PETA.

Bob's Your Uncle 04-30-2004 04:33 AM

KCChiefsman should not be derided nor pitied for threads like this. He just has more balls/less inhibitions than some of you. I for one enjoy his threads.

Ultra Peanut 04-30-2004 04:34 AM

You're a tard.

Bob's Your Uncle 04-30-2004 04:36 AM

I am rubber you are glue.

stumppy 04-30-2004 04:37 AM


KC Jones 04-30-2004 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by listopencil
That's funny, I haven't slept with every woman who wanted to sleep with me. And It's been offered quite a few times. Now that I am married it happens more than ever. Learn to master your penis.

What you fail to mention is that you work at a leper colony.


JazzzLovr 04-30-2004 06:00 AM

I miss the night crew.

BTW, KCChiefsMan, I hear that girls with mullets who wear anything with the confederate flag, Nascar, or John Deere on it (especially if it's a dirty t-shirt) are pretty easy. And if she looks like she's in high school and is missing any teeth, pay no attention if she's ever rude or if you just get that "I'm not getting any from this chick vibe", because she definitely wants you.

Hope that helps.

Dartgod 04-30-2004 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by JazzzLovr
I miss the night crew.

BTW, KCChiefsMan, I hear that girls with mullets who wear anything with the confederate flag, Nascar, or John Deere on it (especially if it's a dirty t-shirt) are pretty easy. And if she looks like she's in high school and is missing any teeth, pay no attention if she's ever rude or if you just get that "I'm not getting any from this chick vibe", because she definitely wants you.

Hope that helps.

Nice. ROFL

Another thread he'll be deleting real soon.

ndbbm 04-30-2004 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by JazzzLovr
I miss the night crew.

BTW, KCChiefsMan, I hear that girls with mullets who wear anything with the confederate flag, Nascar, or John Deere on it (especially if it's a dirty t-shirt) are pretty easy. And if she looks like she's in high school and is missing any teeth, pay no attention if she's ever rude or if you just get that "I'm not getting any from this chick vibe", because she definitely wants you.

Hope that helps.

I laughed AND snorted at this. :D

Pennywise 04-30-2004 07:51 AM

Gucci, Gucci, Gucci!
Sex with a robot? ROFL

Its all very well until it short circuits and you end of with the equivalent of pissing on 20 spark plugs.


Realistic sex robots. Robots, or androids kinda, that feel and act real and are good at sex. They need to be very lifelike and affordable. They need to be able to move and easy to clean. If these were on the market, and most single guys had one. They wouldn't pursue girls with the passion we do now. We might try a little at the bar, but motivation would be at an all time low. Because we now if we don't go home with nothing that night, we always have our sex bots to screw when we get home. This would eliminate most of the control women have with sex. Girls would start hitting on guys and only the hot, rich celebrity type women would be able to remain the same.

ndbbm 04-30-2004 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
Sex with a robot? ROFL

Its all very well until it short circuits and you end of with the equivalent of pissing on 20 spark plugs.


Cripes. Not even the inbred hicks in this po-dunk town would bang a robot. WTF was this boy thinkin?

Pennywise 04-30-2004 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by ndbbm
Cripes. Not even the inbred hicks in this po-dunk town would bang a robot. WTF was this boy thinkin?

He was thinking he'd rather bang a machine because he's frustrated about his macking abilities.

I have this image of this dude in a bar (recently shot down) and yelling at the chick 'Don't worry bitch, I'm going home and fuckING MY ROBOT!!'

ChiTown 04-30-2004 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
I have this image of this dude in a bar (recently shot down) and yelling at the chick 'Don't worry bitch, I'm going home and fuckING MY ROBOT!!'

Holy $hit!


Damn, why didn't I ever think of that comeback. Would've saved me years of embarassment. ROFL

ndbbm 04-30-2004 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
He was thinking he'd rather bang a machine because he's frustrated about his macking abilities.

I have this image of this dude in a bar (recently shot down) and yelling at the chick 'Don't worry bitch, I'm going home and fuckING MY ROBOT!!'

I like to just stare blankly at a woman in a bar until they say "What are you looking at"...To which I reply, "Well, I'm going to have sex with you tonight, so you might as well be there for it." yeah...I can see this lamer has a .2 rating on the mack scale.

Pennywise 04-30-2004 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by ndbbm
I like to just stare blankly at a woman in a bar until they say "What are you looking at"...To which I reply, "Well, I'm going to have sex with you tonight, so you might as well be there for it." yeah...I can see this lamer has a .2 rating on the mack scale.


My buddy I work with has a good line...

'Excuse me, but would you like to go in halves on a bastard?'

Iowanian 04-30-2004 08:24 AM

If you just keep giving them the cash up front...I'm sure they'll continue to take you down to the tall grass, and let you do your stuff.

btw....some guy I saw on HBO already beat you to it..a lifelike looking doll, you can select the attributes......I'm sure you can find it online.

ChiTown 04-30-2004 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by PennyWise

My buddy I work with has a good line...

'Excuse me, but would you like to go in halves on a bastard?'


Great line. A friend of mine in college used a line that always made me grab my gut in laughter. He'd go ask a girl to dance. If she turned him down he'd say, "No problem, I have to take a shit anyways" ROFL

Ahh, the good ol' days.....

Pennywise 04-30-2004 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by ChiTown

Great line. A friend of mine in college used a line that always made me grab my gut in laughter. He'd go ask a girl to dance. If she turned him down he'd say, "No problem, I have to take a shit anyways" ROFL

Ahh, the good ol' days.....

Now that's fucking funny!

ndbbm 04-30-2004 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by ChiTown

Great line. A friend of mine in college used a line that always made me grab my gut in laughter. He'd go ask a girl to dance. If she turned him down he'd say, "No problem, I have to take a shit anyways" ROFL

Ahh, the good ol' days.....


ndbbm 04-30-2004 08:31 AM

I was always a fan of:

Do you know the difference between my penis and a chicken leg?

Well, let's go on a picnic and find out!

Iowanian 04-30-2004 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by ndbbm
I was always a fan of:

Do you know the difference between my penis and a chicken leg?

Well, let's go on a picnic and find out!

I'll bet you spent alot of time singing to them too...

"aaaah like mah women like I like mah chicken
with a little bit of fat on the end...
not too much,
and not too little...
just enough
to maaaaake meeeee griiiiiiin."

A hopeless romantic you are.

Dartgod 04-30-2004 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
I'll bet you spent alot of time singing to them too...

"aaaah like mah women like I like mah chicken
with a little bit of fat on the end...
not too much,
and not too little...
just enough
to maaaaake meeeee griiiiiiin."

A hopeless romantic you are.

Rodney Carrington is a funny motherf*****...

Iowanian 04-30-2004 08:38 AM

yes.....yes he is, indeed.

I'm pretty sure he wrote a song for a few of our members....including both the thread's author and delt....Dear Penis.

ndbbm 04-30-2004 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
I'll bet you spent alot of time singing to them too...

"aaaah like mah women like I like mah chicken
with a little bit of fat on the end...
not too much,
and not too little...
just enough
to maaaaake meeeee griiiiiiin."

A hopeless romantic you are.

"I've got a 12 inch dick, and a dozen roses.....and a pickup truck....hubba hubba hubba hey!" That's all i wrote for that one.

Dartgod 04-30-2004 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
yes.....yes he is, indeed.

I'm pretty sure he wrote a song for a few of our members....including both the thread's author and delt....Dear Penis.

And me...

Titties & Beer....

JazzzLovr 04-30-2004 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Dartgod
And me...

Titties & Beer....

Except that on you, they're called "manboobs".


Dartgod 04-30-2004 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by JazzzLovr
Except that on you, they're called "manboobs".


DAYUM!! That wasn't called for was it?

JazzzLovr 04-30-2004 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dartgod
DAYUM!! That wasn't called for was it?

ROFL Sorry... It was just the way you worded that post. I would have made the same reply if just about anybody had said it. It was nothing personal. In fact, I did have a bit of remorse and almost deleted it.

But I'm bored, and it made me laugh. So it stayed. :evil:

JazzzLovr 04-30-2004 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Dartgod
DAYUM!! That wasn't called for was it?

BTW, aren't you glad that I don't talk nearly as much in person? o:-)

Phobia 04-30-2004 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by JazzzLovr
In fact, I did have a bit of remorse and almost deleted it.

Maybe you should have done that. Maybe you should also go help Paul forget about his little robot idea.

ndbbm 04-30-2004 09:03 AM

I think Jazzlover may be the sole reason i come out to Arrowhead this year. Well, and a few others.

Phobia 04-30-2004 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by ndbbm
I think Jazzlover may be the sole reason i come out to Arrowhead this year. Well, and a few others.

So she can deride and insult you? Jeez, like she's the only one with that talent, ya orphan bastard

cadmonkey 04-30-2004 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by ndbbm
I think Jazzlover may be the sole reason i come out to Arrowhead this year. Well, and a few others.

Speaking of coming out to Arrowhead, ChiefinNE and myself were thinking of coming out for the Patriots game. How tough is it to come across tickets out there?

JazzzLovr 04-30-2004 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by ndbbm
I think Jazzlover may be the sole reason i come out to Arrowhead this year. Well, and a few others.

I just insulted the Baron of B5. I may not be allowed at Arrowhead anymore.

Phobia 04-30-2004 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by JazzzLovr
I just insulted the Baron of B5. I may not be allowed at Arrowhead anymore.

Dartgod, 2 years of trying to tell her and she finally understands. You should have a party or something.

Iowanian 04-30-2004 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by cadmonkey
. How tough is it to come across tickets out there?

Probably depends how good your timing and aim are.......

KCChiefsMan 04-30-2004 09:58 AM

you guys don't like me because I can talk about things that most people would be embarassed to talk about. I'm comfortable with myself, I'm just more open and that offends most of you because a lot of you are not secure. That's alright though.

and yes, I know, I'm the only person to ever talk about sex on this board or other issues that do not involve football. I'm the only one.

you guys are so hypocritical is makes me laugh.

I know, not a single one of you guys have ever jacked off in your lives, none of you guys have gotten drunk and said or did something stupid.

Nothing bad ever happens to you guys, your lives are GREAT!

Pennywise 04-30-2004 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan
you guys don't like me because I can talk about things that most people would be embarassed to talk about. I'm comfortable with myself, I'm just more open and that offends most of you because a lot of you are not secure. That's alright though.

and yes, I know, I'm the only person to ever talk about sex on this board or other issues that do not involve football. I'm the only one.

you guys are so hypocritical is makes me laugh.

I know, not a single one of you guys have ever jacked off in your lives, none of you guys have gotten drunk and said or did something stupid.

Nothing bad ever happens to you guys, your lives are GREAT!

Cheer up man...


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