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Guess what? Gretz call us classless and deranged
An Act of Supreme Loyalty 1/14/2004 6:17 AM The columnists dissect the 2003 season and take a look at what's ahead for the Chiefs in '04. Read it here in a series of columns beginning next week. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Bob Gretz January 14, 2004 (morning)--Last year, Dick Vermeil showed his loyalty to Greg Robinson by retaining him on his coaching staff. Robinson paid back that loyalty on Tuesday by resigning as the defensive coordinator of the Chiefs. It was an extraordinary act by Robinson. He put aside ego, all pretense and he fell on his sword for Dick Vermeil. Team and Vermeil came ahead of himself. No small wonder why the head coach was so emotional when he talked about Robinson and why he felt like he let his assistant down. In more than 25 years of covering the NFL, I’ve never witnessed anything that came close to Tuesday’s morning gathering. The raw emotion was unforgettable. It was a window into the world that Vermeil has created with his football team. It was a window into the world of coaching and all the twists and turns that make the business so exciting and so heart breaking. First, Robinson did the right thing in offering to resign. Secondly, Vermeil did the right thing in accepting. After everything that happened with the Chiefs in 2003, the focus was entirely on Robinson and the defense. It would have been impossible for this organization to make enough changes in other areas to overcome the negativity that would have surrounded Robinson’s further employment. There’s no question the defense was broken. Robinson and the defensive staff tried their best, but in the end it did not come together on the field. Last year, Robinson was handicapped by a defense that had few talented players. This season, the talent level was improved, but it still wasn’t enough. What was missing was a defensive mind-set that’s absolutely imperative to success in the NFL. Yes, football today is more complicated than it was years ago. Defenses must react to offenses, they must take part in the chess game. But they must do it with an attitude that was seldom evident around the Chiefs defense. It was never there in 2002, showed itself early in 2003, but then disappeared, returning just briefly for the Chicago game. For that, the players, Robinson, the defensive staff and Vermeil must share the blame. Beyond scheme, beyond talent, what this Chiefs defensive unit needs is an infusion of passion. When Vermeil picks Robinson’s successor, that’s should be the most important part of his resume. There are many people celebrating Robinson’s departure, reveling in kicking a man when he’s down, laughing at the raw emotion he was willing to share on what was probably the worst day of his professional life. If you are one of those people, like the classless folks who started a web site to promote the firing of Robinson, please seek help. You believe the success of the team is more important to you, than the people who give their blood, sweat and tears each and every day to make it work. You are deranged and can not a hold a candle to a man like Robinson. Anybody who witnessed what happened at Arrowhead Stadium on Tuesday morning should now have a better understanding of what the people who coach in this business put on the line. They don’t always get it right, they don’t always produce. |
**** gretz. he is an overblown, overpaid kissass. I wish he would go cover some other team. Preferrably a high school.
We spend our hard earned dollars and emotions to support a team. We're the team's customer whether Bobby G. likes it or not. And as with any customer, we've got every right to bitch about poor service when that's what we're provided. And we're entitled to do it without some hired ass-clown calling us "classless." |
I only read the site 2-3 times, so I may have forgotten every single thing posted there. But IIRC, it was reasonable in tone that merely pointed out GR's failings and demanded that he be held responsible for them. I don't think that's classless.
And I've seen very few people kicking GR when he's "down." In fact, I've seen quite the opposite -- most folks thanking him and saying what a classy guy he was. Indeed, even www.firegregrobinson.com has changed its front page to thank GR for doing the right thing. |
*sniff*Sniff* Boo FN HOO i want a win in the playoffs.I want a superbowl. I dont spend my money on Chiefs gear&scream at the TV. to watch GROWN men cry, he knew the deal. Give us a SuperBowl VICTORY!
It isn't classless. The Fans pay for the tickets, parking, memorabilia, etc. The Fans have a right to complain because ultimately, we are the ones that pay the tab for everything. When we go to a restaurant, we have a right to complain to the manager if the food and the service sucks. I see no difference here. No reason the kick the guy now that he's already quit, but as Fans, we have the right to voice our displeasure for certain employees we feel that are giving us crappy "service".
I don't get it. He seems to think that Robinson should have been dimissed, yet has issue with those "classless" people who were proactive in making their opinions known? He seems to give kudos to Robinson for his emotion, yet calls those of us who emote, "deranged?"
The difference is that I don't get paid (and paid handsomely) to support this team. Robinson did. And his "contribution" did not justify his getting paid for it anymore. |
Meh. Bottom line, mission accomplished. Props for all the effort... :toast:
Gretz is a moron. If he believes that the success of the team is more important to the mercenaries who routinely switch loyalties based on who's signing their paycheck than it is to fans who have voluntarily agonized over the team for DECADES, then Gretz needs help. What a clueless columnist.
Maybe he should forego his paycheck for a while to rediscover his passion for the team. Or maybe he should just go get paid to write for another team. |
I agree with you Bob, I spend a ton of money on tickets, merchandise, and emotions and if I want to bitch and moan about the team I feel I have every right. I totally take exception to what he said and I think it is a disgrace that he would call us that and especially to Lattimer and headsnap. I think we should start a new website called http:\\www.bobgretzisanazzclown.com |
The thing that strikes me most about this is that we aren't talking about a profession in which a guy holds a position for 25 years and then gets canned. How many teams (including college) has Greg Robinson worked for in his lifetime? Probably a hell of a lot more than you or I will. And HE KNOWS that when he takes a job it isn't a permanent position.
On top of all that, he did a piss-poor job. He can be sad that he let his friend down, but it isn't like he hasn't been fired before, and it certainly wasn't like he didn't deserve it. So f%$K off Gretz. Go to Price Chopper, buy a family-size can of pork and beans, and put your overrated pie hole to better use. |
So Jettio is Bob Gretz? :shrug:
I would propose starting a www.firebobgretz.com web site, but it's not worth the trouble. Not many people read him any more anyway.
Give me Ivan Carter any day. |
I may be classless and I may be deranged but I know a DC when I see one.
1 Attachment(s)
Even little old ladies hate Bob Gretz...
He needs to pull his lips away from King Carl's backside :hump: a little more often and come up for some air cuz he obviously trippin...What an As#. If we don't get "riled" up GR is back again next year and another window of oppertunity closes in the Chiefs history. :deevee:
We were mad as hell and we didn't take it anymore. :cuss: Bite me Gretz! nlm |
The more Bob Dole thinks about the comments in this column, the more pissed off Bob Dole gets.
Want to swap places for a year, Bobby? Bob Dole will most certainly enjoy cruising around town in your car that probably cost more than Bob Dole's house. Bob Dole has always wanted to attend the 101 Banquet--it would be really cool to do it on someone else's dime. See every Chiefs game for pay? Hell yes! Have a website where I can spout off my opinion like it means something? Okay. Forget that last one. |
Not many of us were "reveling" or "laughing" at Greg Robinson yesterday.
Many of us were relieved and happy about his leaving. However, that is NOT the same as "celebrating" or "kicking him" when he is down. And, frankly, those who DID DO those things are classless and perhaps deranged. :shake: However, most of us were simply pleased that our Defense now has a chance to improve next year. Vermeil's loyalty to Greg almost prevented that. The bottom-line is GR did not get the job done. As a football fan, none of us should feel sorry for him leaving because he failed. As a person though, none of us should "celebrate" his failure. :) |
The funny thing is, I like everything else he said in that column. But that one paragraph is like the turd in the punch bowl.
This is exactly how the Chiefs PR and front office people look at fans.
Classless morons who should just pay up and shut up. Can you imagine these guys if they had to deal with a tough daily media? They would all be in therapy. |
What a prick.
Let's get things straight. Robinson didn't come out and resign. He went to Vermeil and said "if you want I'll resign." Vermeil came back and said "yes, it is best if you do." Only then did GROB give in. I still don't understand why he did it since, allegedly, his contract was up in a few weeks. The team could have simply said we aren't renewing it. I guess that rumor about his contract being up wasn't true. Second, the fans have a right to call out a coach who hasn't done his job. Even if it's the fault of the players, the coaches get the brunt of the criticism. It's the nature of the beast. Without the fans there is no team, there is no revenue, Gretz has no job. Was it classless to have threads about forms of torture and wishing bodily harm - no doubt. Some people were no better than the people in Philly who cheer injured players. But, there is nothing wrong with calling for a better coordinator after the present one has fielded the worst defenses in the history of the team. |
Gretz can kiss my ass. If Robinson had been fired last year when he should've been fired, we'd be trading smack with the Patriots and they'd have to come to our house this weekend.
Classless for starting a web site? Sheeyit, how else would you like us to get the message to you guys. All too often the Kansas City Chiefs management does stuff that stinks and there has to be a way to get the message to you clowns. The FANS HAVE A RIGHT TO GET PISSED! Ask anybody that's ever had pay $20.00 to park in a urine-induced mudpuddle. |
Hey now! Raising the parking fee for our first playoff game in years was in no way, shape or form "classless."
The amazing thing is Gretz writes all this and is such a cowardly writer---he doesn't even put an e-mail address to comment.
Doesn't being fanatical as we are, I mean that is what fan is short for after all, automatically mean we are a bit deranged?
If Gretz thought it was classless to created a web site about GR to try and get him fired, was classless, well, we are fanatics after all, and we want our team to succeed. If Greg hadn't done the right thing, there is no way that Gretz would be writing an article about how classless it was. But I guess if it is classless to tell people how we feel in a place that the public can read, what does that make you Gretz? |
I guess it wasn't classless to get my KCChiefs.com newletter the day after we lost telling me about all the Chiefs memorabilia they have for sale.
bgretz@susqkc.com |
Hey Bob Gretz....feel free to kiss my classy ass.
Some of us may view things from a different perspective than you. Some of us may look at it that Greg Robinson should have been gone last year for being ineffective, and pretty much stole a Million Dollars from Lamar Hunt, and an overdue superbowl....FROM THE MOST LOYAL FANS IN THE NFL. Tell me a single salesman, making 25k/year with the worst sales record at his business,that is given 3 years of non-performance? If I drive 6hrs each way to 4-5games, pay hundreds of dollars for tickets, $20 to park...eat $6 Hotdogs, washed down with $6 cups of beer, buy hundreds of dollars on Chiefs apparel, flags, etc....I have the right to compain and bitch....at least until my hoarse voice is clear... So here's to you Mr. Column writing bitch man.......Before you wag your finger at fans, partularly ones that spend more time discussing the Chiefs than you do, remember this. Coaches, Players, GMs, and Sportswriters come and go. They leave for better jobs, more Free Agent Money, or to write for bigger papers. The one things that remains the same, is the Me, the fan....who will still be cussing personell decisions long after you've moved on to Florida and play shuffleboard in a new Dolphin's hat. |
BTW--Is that really his personal e-mail addy? |
Too bad your rep's disabled. The last paragraph was priceless, too. |
That's why they have Dawes. |
Bob Damn Gretz......You've got Mail.
Oh, oh! Can you quote me as a deranged, classless Chiefs fan? "Deranged, classless Chiefs fan Kevin was outraged at Gretz's comments. 'Whoever this Bill Gretz guy is, he doesn't know what he's talking about,' said Kevin. 'Is he new or something?'" |
"Bob Gretz can kiss my shiny metal ass. But that's just an expression. My ass is really neither shiny nor metal. It's from Bender, on Futurama. Hey, do you ever watch that on Adult Swim? Adult Swim's cool. Oh, and Bob Gretz sucks, and stuff." |
Good point. ;) http://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/attac...id=20941&stc=1 |
Nice avatar, Talisman. I'm curious what it would've been during your "Robinson sucks" days.
Amen to that...give yourself a rep B_D_D |
First Down Elvis has Gunther's Glasses! |
Bob Dole wonders whether it would be classless if one of Bob Gretz's chins set up a website... Rumor is that Bobby's second chin feels that the first and third chins get preferential treatment.
Following up on Bob Dole's excellent commentary....
Does Bob Gretz allow the same courtesy of the common Waiter providing the slowest service in the restaruant, and giving him half a plate of nasty food? |
I would agree. I think the second chin kind of gets lost in the middle sometimes.
Can someone put Gretz's quote followed by Kevin's and BDD's comments up on the FireGRob website? |
Could it be a sign??? |
I have composed and sent an elegant and gentle note in consideration of my feelings on his latest artical. I eagerly await his response.
I don't know why everybody's so upset about being called deranged. I'm deranged and I damn well know it. This is my story.
In 1995, my team dominated the NFL and won the SuperBowl. In 1997, my team dominated the NFL and won the SuperBowl. In 2003, my team dominated the NFL and won the SuperBowl. Oh. Wait. No. They. Didn't. They lost their first ****ing playoff game..... at home..... instead. We need to seek help? WE ALREADY HAVE. DR. PHIL CAN'T EVEN HEAL THESE WOUNDS. WOULD YOU LIKE MY THERAPY BILL, MR. GRETZ? I'm feeling much better now. Thanks for reading my opinion. |
That's not classless that's just the way it is and if you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen. A lot of these people who write about how hard it is to resign when you are not successful need a reality check. I mean what world are they in upside down world? |
I fail to see the drama here -
Grob was given three years to do a job, he failed each of the three years. At the end of year three his contract was up for review. If Bobby wants to point fingers lets point out that Grob possibly cost the Chiefs thier best shot at the super bowl in years and drug down the most productive offense in the NFL with him. Since when wasn't he subject to real-world expectaitons? http://www.thefoxrocks.com/quickandi...es/bob_bio.jpg I'd like to see what Bobby does when the waiter brings him a soggy pork chop just once let alone three years in a row. |
I got a response from Bob Gretz....the weakest, pants pissing reply I could have expected.
"I was right, you need professional help" |
I did a quick calculation and although I don't remember the exact ticket prices for each year I had season tickets, I have spent roughly $15,000 on Chiefs tickets over the last 14 years. That doesn't include playoff tickets, memorabilia, Chiefs clothing, food and beer at the stadium or parking.
Bob Gretz can kiss my classless ass. |
It actually was a revised version of my earlier post. I didn't even call him a fat bitch. Reeeaal Men of GeniOus......Heres to you, Mr Bitchy Sportswriter Whooooo do you fans think you are expeeeecting results for your dedication and moooooouhuhu-nay |
Brings out a bowl full of melted stuff that may have once been Ice cream, spills it in your lap, then asks for a tip. |
It is now 1990 I am watching Bo Jackson run over 80 yards in a blow out win against the Bengals thinking Superbowl! he gets tackled and his hip jerks, he never plays again! In the AFC Championship game the last seconds tick off I am thinking damn I sure am glad Scott Davis blocked that extra point to keep it to 51-3 :banghead: 2000 HFA baby the Ravens are in our house! trip to the bowl on the line! The trainers are peeling Gannon out of a 6 inch hole created by son of flubber while pile driving him to the ground. :doh!: 2001 a foot of snow on the ground as we recover the fumble to seal the win and move on to the AFC Championship game!!!........the kick is up and it is good the Patriots win. :cuss: 2003 It is on! we are in the bowl baby! I am watching the NFL MVP run around like a chicken with its head cut off hitting wide open defensive backs all night. Gruden being carried off the field while giving Davis the finger. :deevee: 2004 Oakland is drafting 2nd overall after going 4-12 one year removed from the Superbowl, with no coach, and a locker room full of players doing their best "OZ" imatation. :shake: All this while Davis has lawsuits going against L.A., Oakland, the NFL and God....the last over his inevivable and in his eyes unfair death. I plan on talking to my theapist about this as soon as he lifts the restraining order. :spock: |
Did he check with Carl Peterson before he sent it? |
I've composed a reply to Bobby.
"So Bobby, fans like me, who spend hundreds and thousands of dollars following the Chiefs, read every second-rate Chiefs related Column and loyally attend games for more than 30 years without superbowl appearances, need "professional help" for expecting a good product on the field? Ask yourself if you feel the same, the next time the waiter forgets your cheesecake. In the Big picture; Coaches, Players and sportswriters are mere mercenaries for the most part. Fans like Me are the Ones who make the Chiefs an Institution. We're also the same fans that Carl and the media called on to be "Rabbid" sunday, and we provided. Aye Ahm, Emmit Smith. The truth is that fans should be given half of our money back for last weeks game, since Greg Robinson's half of the team didn't show up." |
Gretz - "mmmfmf mmfmffm mfmfmf mmfmfm mfmmf? Carl - "Oh yeah, yes...yes...ummm huh. YES! YES! YES!! I'm sorry, did you say something Bob? |
dammit......I forgot to tell him that Greg will be the perfect new French Defensive Coordinator.
<DIV><DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">After reading Bob Gretz's recent article, I've got to wonder: How can he insult the fans of the Chiefs? Classless? For wanting the defense of the team I root for to be at least mediocre, rather than the joke of the NFL? </DIV><DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"> </DIV><DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">For 23 years I've put my heart into this team every training camp, spent thousands of dollars on tickets, concessions and Chiefs merchandise, sat in the cold and rain, and have seen exactly 3 playoff wins. Three. I have earned the RIGHT to rip Lin Elliot for missing his kicks. I’ve earned the RIGHT to rip Grbac for throwing the ball 4 yards short. I’ve earned the RIGHT to rip Marty for all of his playoff defeats. I’ve earned the RIGHT to complain about a coordinator who was in charge of the worst defense in 2002, and the 30th in 2003. </DIV><DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"> </DIV><DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Sure, Robinson may be a great guy, but he's a terrible coordinator. Think about it--if I were the worst at my job, I would be, and should be, fired immediately. But football is different--you can suck and still be employed, or be good and still lose your job. At least yesterday the person who deserved a majority (although not all) of the blame took the fall. Fans may not put their “blood and sweat” into the team, but they sure as hell have put in their tears … not to mention millions of dollars that support all aspects of the organization. </DIV><DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">
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