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big nasty kcnut 02-25-2025 10:10 AM

I hate to do this but
I recently started work but till i get my first check i need help for rent. If you can help out that be great. would be faster then the other link

PLEASE I JUST NEED 122$ left please help

TLO 02-25-2025 11:58 AM

Where are you working at, Nut?

ChiTown 02-25-2025 01:07 PM

Done. All the best to you, Brad!

TLO 02-25-2025 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 17979371)
Done. All the best to you, Brad!

That was a very generous donation.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

big nasty kcnut 02-25-2025 01:47 PM

I'm working at red state but it monthly payments and until i get a hold of the accounting i can't get direct deposit

big nasty kcnut 02-25-2025 01:52 PM

Thank chi town i appreciate it

TLO 02-25-2025 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17979430)
I'm working at red state but it monthly payments and until i get a hold of the accounting i can't get direct deposit

Hopefully you can get the direct deposit issue figured out soon.

If you ever need any help with social security, give me a shout. I've had a lot of experience helping people who need it qualify for SSI. Even if you're working that boost from SSI can really help.

big nasty kcnut 02-25-2025 02:10 PM

I was actually turned down for social security they told me i was not disabled enough even though my hands shake when i overworked i have the legs pain from the cerebral palsy plus the somewhat bad eyesights and bad hearing but nope not disabled enough plus regular office job you need to type a certain wpm and that hard with my disability.

The worst thing is i worked for a couple of companies despite being qualified for management positions i was never offered a chance to be promoted yet i had a coworker who the week before got arrested yet i was told to keep quiet while she got a promotion. Some days i feel like giving up and be a bum because no one see my talents. Why should i care but this job i can work on a article promote it then go to the pool and not deal with my legs spasms.

I felt pretty useless

tooge 02-25-2025 02:11 PM

Can I get some cash too? I want to give it to Nut

Titty Meat 02-25-2025 03:20 PM

Ill send some your way when I get paid tomorrow. Hang in there nut you got this

burt 02-25-2025 03:30 PM

Nut, I'd love to help you but I'm so broke I'm jacking off my dog to feed the cat!

BossChief 02-25-2025 04:26 PM


Hope you’re ok, big dog.

Rasputin 02-25-2025 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 17979371)
Done. All the best to you, Brad!

This guy saved my ass. What a beautiful human being. Chiefs Planet is blessed to have ChiTown.

crispystl 02-25-2025 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by ChiTown (Post 17979371)
Done. All the best to you, Brad!

Dude, I don't know you but that was a very generous thing to do.
Props to you.

Deberg_1990 02-25-2025 05:36 PM

Have you considered starting an OF page Nut? Just to get you by

threebag 02-25-2025 06:08 PM

DeBerg looking to check out some big nasty KC nuts

big nasty kcnut 02-25-2025 07:46 PM

Only fans lol no the ladies can't handle these nuts. lol

Yosef_Malkovitch 02-25-2025 11:45 PM

Happy to chip in for an OG member. Hope things work out for you.

BWillie 02-26-2025 12:16 AM

I can teach you how to beat shitty people at poker for $25 an hour in about a week. More if you get good.

big nasty kcnut 02-26-2025 09:34 AM

Thank you all this have been very stressful for me especially since i keep replaying in my head how all these other jobs treated me like shit yet i always did what they asked me to do. Someday i actually cried because why they treated me like that. I don't talk that much i only focused on my job.

htismaqe 02-26-2025 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17980240)
Thank you all this have been very stressful for me especially since i keep replaying in my head how all these other jobs treated me like shit yet i always did what they asked me to do. Someday i actually cried because why they treated me like that. I don't talk that much i only focused on my job.

Dude, it's a job. Enjoy the paycheck and **** the rest of it.

Straight, No Chaser 02-26-2025 11:32 AM

Sending prayers your way bro...

big nasty kcnut 02-26-2025 02:11 PM

Almost there this help me focus on my writing so thank again for the help.

Demonpenz 02-26-2025 06:51 PM

Go ahead and break them off a piece of the remix choo choo

big nasty kcnut 02-26-2025 08:48 PM

I almost there for the rent any little bit help and thank you.

big nasty kcnut 02-27-2025 07:53 AM

ok I'm 244$ away from my rent being paid any amount can help thank you

big nasty kcnut 02-28-2025 04:53 AM

hey if you want to venmo me instead send here I'm 244 away from paying my rent

big nasty kcnut 02-28-2025 09:46 AM

ok I'm at 925 I almost there to pay the rent so please help.

big nasty kcnut 02-28-2025 10:52 AM so i can get the money faster because it take 3 business days to send the money from the other site

big nasty kcnut 02-28-2025 08:49 PM

ok I'm just 122 dollars away from paying my rent off please help me.

Couch-Potato 03-01-2025 10:04 AM

Never be ashamed about asking for help.

We’re a community, Chiefs Nation.

I’m also between jobs or I’d send.

Best of luck!

big nasty kcnut 03-01-2025 11:13 AM


TLO 03-01-2025 11:39 AM

Nut get out there and hustle up $12. You can do it!

Peter Gibbons 03-01-2025 12:27 PM

“I hate to do this butt” would have gotten more responses from this crowd.

big nasty kcnut 03-01-2025 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Peter Gibbons (Post 17984083)
“I hate to do this butt” would have gotten more responses from this crowd.

Butt seriously I didn't think of it.

big nasty kcnut 03-01-2025 09:51 PM

there are 14,876 members if you all send one dollar to the link above i can be focused on work and not worrying about the rent so please help

TLO 03-02-2025 01:42 AM

Ok. This is getting a little uncomfortable.

Fat Elvis 03-02-2025 08:12 AM

You say you are in Tulsa, OK and have Cerebral Palsy. Here is a link that will help you in a job search with your disability in mind:

big nasty kcnut 03-02-2025 09:41 AM

fat elvis thank you but i have a job now but it a monthly check. And i just started working.

big nasty kcnut 03-02-2025 09:43 AM

Like I said I'm not forcing you to help me but it could really help tilli get my first check at the end of this month.

threebag 03-02-2025 09:59 AM

What’s the new job like, B-Rad? What it is you do exactly?

Couch-Potato 03-02-2025 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17985034)
fat elvis thank you but i have a job now but it a monthly check. And i just started working.


Dunerdr 03-02-2025 12:22 PM

Can you donate plasma? Biolife in ba is running a 700$ first month special. 80$ on the first visit. 100 on the second.

big nasty kcnut 03-02-2025 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dunerdr (Post 17985152)
Can you donate plasma? Biolife in ba is running a 700$ first month special. 80$ on the first visit. 100 on the second.

nope i was told i couldn't

Iowanian 03-02-2025 06:26 PM

Nut, you have a car?

Could you do door dash or uber to get you going with a little extra?

poolboy 03-02-2025 06:27 PM

dont have venmo..any other small donation possibilities

TLO 03-02-2025 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17979430)
I'm working at red state but it monthly payments and until i get a hold of the accounting i can't get direct deposit

Here's the thing man, and I'm going to give you a little tough love here.

I know you're writing for Red State. Honestly I don't know if that's a reliable source of income. It very well may be and if so, I'll eat my plate of crow.

However I'd look at that as more of a hobby than what pays the bills every month.

It sounds like you've got yourself some good people in your corner, and you've gotten an good head start with these folks generous donations.

Find yourself a reliable source of income. Like starting tomorrow morning. If you don't, you're going to be in the same spot a month from now.

Good luck.

Easy 6 03-02-2025 06:51 PM

If I'm you, I'm taking everything I have to the landlord with proof of more to come from Red State... you're gonna kick me out for $120 that you can provide next week?

Your landlord will most likely listen to reason

Go talk to your landlord, it can all be worked out most likely

big nasty kcnut 03-02-2025 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by poolboy (Post 17985471)
dont have venmo..any other small donation possibilities

big nasty kcnut 03-02-2025 11:12 PM

First no car second I tried the looking for a job thing I was turned down by a lot of places i applyed at home depot told we will find a place here for you a few weeks later well you going to have to apply again. plus when they see my hands shaking they tend to freak out about it. I can't type over 25 wpm because computer jobs your expected to type that fast Also unemployment benifit i can't get to them because phone lines busy when i call them and going online the unemployment site is down.

big nasty kcnut 03-02-2025 11:17 PM

i wish to god i didn't have this disease cerebral palsy is the bane of my existence Yet people think I'm lazy yet who going outside in the extreme cold to clean the smokehole who out in the heat collecting carts it's me. I have to pay for it by getting sick from pain pains, gallbladder, kidney stone, ibs yet everybody ignores me or won't even give me a promotion or raise. I try to be the hard worker but i'm tired of dealing woth those people.

HemiEd 03-03-2025 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17985622)
First no car second I tried the looking for a job thing I was turned down by a lot of places i applyed at home depot told we will find a place here for you a few weeks later well you going to have to apply again. plus when they see my hands shaking they tend to freak out about it. I can't type over 25 wpm because computer jobs your expected to type that fast Also unemployment benifit i can't get to them because phone lines busy when i call them and going online the unemployment site is down.


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17985624)
i wish to god i didn't have this disease cerebral palsy is the bane of my existence Yet people think I'm lazy yet who going outside in the extreme cold to clean the smokehole who out in the heat collecting carts it's me. I have to pay for it by getting sick from pain pains, gallbladder, kidney stone, ibs yet everybody ignores me or won't even give me a promotion or raise. I try to be the hard worker but i'm tired of dealing woth those people.

I wasn't aware of all of this. Done. Good luck.

dtrain 03-03-2025 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17985624)
i wish to god i didn't have this disease cerebral palsy is the bane of my existence Yet people think I'm lazy yet who going outside in the extreme cold to clean the smokehole who out in the heat collecting carts it's me. I have to pay for it by getting sick from pain pains, gallbladder, kidney stone, ibs yet everybody ignores me or won't even give me a promotion or raise. I try to be the hard worker but i'm tired of dealing woth those people.

Have you head of Vocational Rehab? (Voc Rehab for short) They help people with mental, physical, and addiction problems. I discovered them when I was doing adult probation in Junction City. It is an excellent program they set up interviews with with companies who are willing to hire, provided clients with clothes for interview, bus tokens, and I heard that back in the day they bought a client a car.

TLO 03-03-2025 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by dtrain (Post 17986031)
Have you head of Vocational Rehab? (Voc Rehab for short) They help people with mental, physical, and addiction problems. I discovered them when I was doing adult probation in Junction City. It is an excellent program they set up interviews with with companies who are willing to hire, provided clients with clothes for interview, bus tokens, and I heard that back in the day they bought a client a car.

Voc Rehab is definitely a possibility. However it sounds like he has held competitive employment previously, so they may view his case as a lower priority. I know the voc rehab in my area is so backed up with cases that there's a waitlist a mile long.

dtrain 03-03-2025 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by TLO (Post 17986096)
Voc Rehab is definitely a possibility. However it sounds like he has held competitive employment previously, so they may view his case as a lower priority. I know the voc rehab in my area is so backed up with cases that there's a waitlist a mile long.

It was getting bad in Junction too! So many people quitting long hours, to many clients, and low pay.

TLO 03-03-2025 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17985624)
i wish to god i didn't have this disease cerebral palsy is the bane of my existence Yet people think I'm lazy yet who going outside in the extreme cold to clean the smokehole who out in the heat collecting carts it's me. I have to pay for it by getting sick from pain pains, gallbladder, kidney stone, ibs yet everybody ignores me or won't even give me a promotion or raise. I try to be the hard worker but i'm tired of dealing woth those people.

Do you have a Hyvee in your area? They are great about working with people that have disabilities.

I know it sucks getting passed over for a promotion or raise, but you've gotta pay the bills somehow.

You mention the unemployment phone line is a long wait and the website is down. Have you been down to the office?

threebag 03-03-2025 04:41 PM

I’d be rattling the phones before I rattled the can. I get the frustration with some services, but it has to feel better than worrying about rent and food and stuff. I hope RedState can provide what you need.

Jewish Rabbi 03-03-2025 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by threebag (Post 17986213)
I’d be rattling the phones before I rattled the can. I get the frustration with some services, but it has to feel better than worrying about rent and food and stuff. I hope RedState can provide what you need.

Not sure about RedState but RedTube provides me with what I need

big nasty kcnut 03-03-2025 08:28 PM

I haven't been to the office but they probably put me in a menial job like all my other jobs I can only do so much.

Demonpenz 03-03-2025 08:51 PM

I have trouble with employment because of depression but I was told to shut the **** up by a lawyer when I tried to get disability. He told me to lose weight and get to work

Fat Elvis 03-03-2025 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17986468)
I haven't been to the office but they probably put me in a menial job like all my other jobs I can only do so much.

I don't know the compensation schedule for Red State, but you might have to look at that as a secondary job to supplement your income rather than your primary source of income.

If you haven't had a lot of luck with Voc Rehab, you might try your local Workforce Center. They can help you match your strengths to jobs in your community.

Looks like OK Voc Rehab is currently using Order of Selection, which is basically a waiting list for their services--in Order of Selection, people with more significant disabilities are prioritized for ongoing supports and services than those folks with less significant disabilities. I don't know how significantly your disability impacts your activities of daily living (ADL), but if you are ever assessed again (people seeking disability benefits are often assessed on an annual basis), be honest with your assessor and let them know what your "bad" days are like. People often under report the significance of their disability due to the stigmas surrounding disability.

big nasty kcnut 03-03-2025 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Elvis (Post 17986503)
I don't know the compensation schedule for Red State, but you might have to look at that as a secondary job to supplement your income rather than your primary source of income.

If you haven't had a lot of luck with Voc Rehab, you might try your local Workforce Center. They can help you match your strengths to jobs in your community.

Looks like OK Voc Rehab is currently using Order of Selection, which is basically a waiting list for their services--in Order of Selection, people with more significant disabilities are prioritized for ongoing supports and services than those folks with less significant disabilities. I don't know how significantly your disability impacts your activities of daily living (ADL), but if you are ever assessed again (people seeking disability benefits are often assessed on an annual basis), be honest with your assessor and let them know what your "bad" days are like. People often under report the significance of their disability due to the stigmas surrounding disability.

I appreciate it fat elvis.

Fat Elvis 03-03-2025 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by dtrain (Post 17986102)
It was getting bad in Junction too! So many people quitting long hours, to many clients, and low pay.

Pay for VR Counselors in Kansas is criminally below market value (not to mention the reimbursement rates for providers of VR services). Any VR Counselor in KS that lives within 60 miles of the border (of any of our surrounding states) will work across the border due to the increase in pay.

Fat Elvis 03-03-2025 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17986511)
I appreciate it fat elvis.

Here is a link to the OK Workforce Center(s) website:

big nasty kcnut 03-03-2025 09:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I justwish people understand why I'm so hesitant to get back to job like walmart or taco bell or lowes. Not only dealing with asshole bosses but the injuries this was from taco bueno since then i got hepatitis A kidney stones twices gallbladder surgery back strain and legs bruise

threebag 03-03-2025 11:29 PM

How about being one of those spark shoppers for Walmart? Delivery driver? There are a bunch of hustles that you could do along with RedState. Door Dash, Grub Hub and some other shit too. Hope you get figured out and not have to stress about it. Praying for you nut.

Yosef_Malkovitch 03-04-2025 09:39 AM

Maybe apply to be a door greeter at Wal-Mart? I see those folks sitting on stools frequently, so that would be easier than manual labor.

big nasty kcnut 03-04-2025 10:21 AM

I was fired from wal mart i was actually yelled at for trying to sit down when i had to fill in as a greeter a few times.

BlackHelicopters 03-04-2025 10:34 AM

Praying for you nut.

TLO 03-04-2025 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17986867)
I was fired from wal mart i was actually yelled at for trying to sit down when i had to fill in as a greeter a few times.

Again, a tough love situation here.

You have shot down most if not all of the job opportunities people have suggested to you. You can't get through to the unemployment office, you can't work a job because of various reasons you've listed.

As Fat Elvis said, maybe you need to be reevaluated for the level of disability you're facing. Be honest with the person doing the interview. Hell, go to your doctor and have them evaluate you.

If it truly is this severe, I fail to see how you don't qualify for at least some SSI money.

Nut, you may have an disability, but you've got a lot of good things going for you too. You've got to do your part or you're going to fall into an endless cycle of not being able to pay your bills and the kindness of people on the internet is going to wane if you aren't trying to help yourself

Yosef_Malkovitch 03-04-2025 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17986867)
I was fired from wal mart i was actually yelled at for trying to sit down when i had to fill in as a greeter a few times.

Try applying at a different Wal Mart then? I know for a fact they let a lot of door greeters sit down because I see it all the time. Maybe it just varies depending on the manager of the particular store?

Yosef_Malkovitch 03-04-2025 11:52 AM

Another idea, get a 3rd shift job watching security monitors at a business somewhere. Those guys get to sit there all night.

big nasty kcnut 03-04-2025 01:42 PM

Well it not like that if you seen me you would understand why i have turned down someone of your job ideas Like i could drive but i get fatigued when i'm doing physical activity like my hands start shaking or my legs spasms my disability is in a way is like a schoginzer cat half crippled and not crippled. You should've seen my boss when i held a knife at work one day and my hands was shaking like i was a meth addict

threebag 03-04-2025 01:58 PM

Good Luck, nut

Rain Man 03-04-2025 02:10 PM

What qualifications or formal evidence of training do you have to get jobs that are not menial in nature? Do you have any degrees or certificates or anything?

A growing trend now is vocational certificates. They don't take as long as getting a degree, but you go and get some specific training and you get a certificate showing that you're qualified for a job. It seems like it's a great way to get your foot in the door in different fields that might hold more long-term financial promise for you.

One bit of career advice that I'm often foisting on people is to ignore the cute saying of "don't do something 8 hours a day that you don't love". The optimal goal is not to seek happiness for 8 hours a day. The optimal goal is to be happy for 24 hours a day. Find a job that will make you happiest for 24 hours a day (e.g., paying bills, saving money, funding vacations, etc.), even if it's not fun or sexy.

Yosef_Malkovitch 03-04-2025 02:53 PM

Or what about a call center job? I worked 3rd shift in the billing department of a large company once. Very few people were calling in about their bills at 3 AM. I got paid to sit there and read. It was a great job for someone in my position at that time.

big nasty kcnut 03-04-2025 02:54 PM

I went to a computer college in 98' They told me that because of my low wpm I would not be qualified for any tech based jobs they have like data entry, customers service or other. Plus with my cerebral palsy i couldn't be able to do jobs that are heavy lifting. I was thinking of doing a substack to profile more pf my writing

Yosef_Malkovitch 03-04-2025 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17987419)
I went to a computer college in 98' They told me that because of my low wpm I would not be qualified for any tech based jobs they have like data entry, customers service or other. Plus with my cerebral palsy i couldn't be able to do jobs that are heavy lifting. I was thinking of doing a substack to profile more pf my writing

I encourage you to look into a call center job. Some of them have very minimal typing involved.

Smed1065 03-04-2025 08:54 PM

Sent you a PM.

Smed1065 03-04-2025 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 17987419)
I went to a computer college in 98' They told me that because of my low wpm I would not be qualified for any tech based jobs they have like data entry, customers service or other. Plus with my cerebral palsy i couldn't be able to do jobs that are heavy lifting. I was thinking of doing a substack to profile more pf my writing

IT just needs knowledge. I have a couple of IT books I would be glad to send ya. They are kinda outdated but the basics still the same I bet.

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