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Recent UFO hearings
Sooooooo what exactly is going on? I don’t see a UFO thread and it seems congress is currently and has been having sessions with “whistleblowers” about UFO’s. What these guys are saying is essentially telling us we are 100% not alone and our private contractors have all the information and evidence to prove this. With that said, are these guys credible??
Aliens deleted it
In all seriousness, I think we will be hearing a lot about this in the coming years. This incoming administration has promised transparency like never before, and if they intend on keeping their promises, this would be a perfect place to start to prove they are not bullshitting. Millions upon millions of encounters and sightings of these things, it's time to tell us WTF is going on. |
They gave us Patrick Mahomes II to help prepare us for the revelation of superior alien beings.
What about Bigfoot though?
I belize.
The question isn’t if aliens exist, the question is if they have visited or been to earth. |
Phil Collins had it right
Nothing really new came out of the last hearing, aside from that alleged Immaculate Constelation program name.
Kinda just the same guys saying the same things, really. A congresswoman, i forget her name, made the whistleblower report public, which was a fun read. But again, if you've been following this, nothing really new was learned. |
But… yeah I’m not holding breath, especially on the JFK thing. This topic, though, I could see coming out because they can potentially use it to their advantage. Imagine if they revealed this shit was truly real. You’d have our population willing to do just about whatever you say if you proclaim this is an actual threat. |
Makes it much easier to hide it. It's alleged that some of this missing military defense money is being used to fund these "black projects". |
If it is a UFO it has to be alien. Its science.
The government achieved their goal of debunking UFO evidence to the point of the public now simply automatically disbelieves any UFO evidence decades ago It's simple: decades ago, the government began their propaganda campaign of debunking any and all UFO evidence, and it worked. The general public now simply goes along with that systemic disbelief out of habit. So, now that the government is essentially admitting that there are things out there in our airspace that they can't explain, things that actually exist, that aren't swamp gas or odd cloud formations or whatever, the public just waves all of it off as crazy talk, because that's what they've been trained to do. And tbf, it's a pretty scary thing to finally admit to oneself that aliens exist and that they're not only visiting our planet, but that they can do anything the heck they want, and we can't do anything about it. Based on the technology we've witnessed, we can't harm them or even slow them down, so if they wanted to, they could erase every single one of us the way we would exterminate ants in our backyard. It's a frightening thought. So it's not surprising at al that 99.99%+ of people just won't allow themselves to even consider the idea of UFOs being real. In fact, it's completely normal human behavior. I still remember the story of the botanist J.Banks, who wrote an account of his travels with Capt. Cook aboard the HMS Endeavor, in which he recounted the fact that when the ship arrived in Botany Bay, AUS and the natives couldn't even see the ship. A 100+ ft long ship with sails/masts dozens of feet tall was so far outside their understanding that they simply didn't see it. When I finally realized that UFOs were in fact real, and that they couldn't possibly be the product of human technology, I admit I had a few hours of real fear. It was as seminal a moment in my life as any occurrence in my life. Maybe more than any other. And I always hoped that aliens/UFOs were real. I can imagine that for a non-believer, the shattering of life-long beliefs would be much more devastating. |
We're simply never going to get full disclosure, just enticing little dribs and drabs of truth... there are levels of top secret above even the president
But I do often fantasize about some future president touching down at Area 51, Dugway or Dulce with a huge contingent of Delta/Seals and demanding to see everything thats going on |
Silly. Aliens don't exist.
Most people who haven't had a personal experience, simply have too many other things to worry about to bother trying to wrap their heads around this subject |
We need to be the first fan forum to reach out to the aliens!
Can any of these aliens play left tackle?
This is kind of what I'm talking about. The US government has essentially admitted to the general public that they don't know what these UFOs are. But that they do know that they aren't ours. That they do know that they don't belong to any of our adversaries (Russia/ China/NKorea/etc.). But that they do exist. They aren't figments of anyone's imagination. They aren't swamp gas or ball lightning or lenticular clouds. They have radar plus infrared plus electro-optical confirmations of hundreds of UAPs/UFOs whatever you like to call them. They are real. And they are capable of maneuvers that no human-manufactured vehicle can duplicate. And we don't have a clue where they come from. That is exactly what the government is saying. But the first reaction from most people is exactly what you posted. "we don't have enough information. They're still hiding too much stuff from us so we can't make a decision about whether these things are real." They just told us that they're real, gave us evidence gathered by state-of-the-art surveillance/sensor equipment aboard our most advanced military platforms, and they don't know who made them, but they know that they weren't made by human beings. |
I've repeatedly laid out in detail many of my experiences here over the years, so I'm kinda over droning on about it... most people minds are made up about it, so its just a waste of mental energy But yeah, if most people could have their own experience it'd change the general perception dramatically |
Also think it would be pretty interesting if some of the UFO's are future humans time traveling back a million years or something to look at us, like historical tourists. |
I don't have any idea where they come from, whether they might come from another solar system within our galaxy, another galaxy, another time or another dimension/universe. Any of those ideas might be possible, though from another galaxy almost seems the most far-fetched, just due to the inconceivable distances involved. As for the idea that we developed the kinds of propulsion tech that these things seem to have, I just don't believe it. If we had anything like that, it'd be incorporated into our front-line aircraft/ships/etc. And if they were supposed to be top-secret, then for damned sure we wouldn't see them buzzing our own carrier task forces, that are replete with the highest levels of sensor tech on the planet. We wouldn't have them buzzing russian military assets/platforms/bases either so they could get a better look at them with their surveillance gear. We wouldn't be dragging spy planes out of mothballs like the U-2/SR-71 just to take a few pics of whatever in NK or Russia or China either. We'd use our nifty anti-grav stealth craft/drones to do those jobs and none would ever be the wiser, right? And many of these things are behaving in nonsensical ways. Hovering for hours over essentially empty stretches of ocean or desert. Buzzing/circling fields in UK. Nearly colliding with USN aircraft/ships/subs. Why would we have our spy platforms doing that, when they could easily avoid any type of contact? |
The key question here is, if the government has proof of extraterrestrial civilization, why has the information not been shared?
Some here are assuming that it's about profit and power. That's certainly a viable theory, which we'll call Theory 1. I'd think it's less about profit since it hasn't been put to use (that we know of) commercially. I could see militaries using it and not wanting to show it. I think this theory is not overly likely because this isn't the use of discovered artifacts. They're still coming around, so something more must be happening. Theory 2 is that they're not sharing the information because they fear that it'll undermine some elements of society. Clearly, a lot of creation theories in religions will become obsolete. However, this is unlikely because this sort of things can be studied, and religions are very adept at adjusting their messaging as dictated by real-world events. Theory 3 is that it's known that an alien fleet is on its way to destroy us, and it'll destroy civilization if that information becomes public. A concealment could be either benevolent or it could be to buy time to build defenses. I think this is unlikely because the various nations would likely be working together for the greater good instead of fighting and posturing like normal. Theory 4 is that we're in contact with the aliens and are negotiating some sort of agreement. This agreement could be friendly or it could be negotiating a surrender and some sort of subservient role. I think this is highly possible, though it's taking too long to be my favorite theory. Theory 5 is that we know they're around, but we can't make contact with them yet. The UFOs are likely drones for a variety of reasons, so we're just seeing reconnaissance vehicles as they learn about us or monitor us. We may be concealing their existence until we can figure out why they're here. I think it's Theory 5. We can't figure out who they are and why they're here, so it's not public yet. Theory 1 is merely an outcome of the fact that we've managed to learn some things in the process, and we're putting that learning to use. |
I have been listening to Luis Elizondo’s book Imminent and he talks A LOT about powerful people in high level government positions allowing their religious beliefs to absolutely sabotage any true scientific inquiry. In one particular case he was told by a superior “we know what they are and where they are from …demons and hell….I was dumbfounded when I heard this. |
We humans do have an ingrained predisposition to kill things that are unfamiliar, though. |
Also the invisible ship is a myth. |
The Galaxy's Jehovah Witnesses
Lol, 99% of people don't know what they're seeing in those "grainy tic tac" videos, because they aren't pilots/aerodynamacists and have less than no idea exactly what all the information/data that's right there in front of their eyes on those clips. Hell, I didn't know a lot of it and I'm a commercial pilot; I asked my buddies at work, that were retired USAF/USN pilots, that used that same gear on a daily basis before I really understood what was there. First things first: the videos are grainy because the DoD maxed out the magnification to produce that grainy effect. Things like the fact that there's no variation in the surface of the object, except that those cameras, even in IR, are HD, so normally the pilot can see any control surfaces/control surface movements, variations in heat signatures around things like exhaust nozzles, canopies, even the difference in heat from the leading edge of a wing vs. a fuselage panel, etc. that normally, if the FLIR were pointed at a Russian fighterplane, they'd easily be able to tell exactly which make/model of fighter they were looking at, even in IR. In fact, I've seen HD IR video that shows the tail number of the aircraft, the systems are that sensitive. Except there aren't any in those tictac videos. No control surfaces. No variations of any kind in temps across the vehicle. No visible wings, inlets, windows, seams, no painted/inscribed markings, nothing. Completely smooth. Or the fact that humanity has never created a propulsion system that doesn't produce heat, and that heat is clearly visible in IR mode at high altitudes where the OAT is usually below freezing. But there aren't any visible heat plumes in any of the videos. At 30,000 ft, moving against a 100-kt wind, there'd have to be some kind of thrust discharge. Even if they were covered rotors, like some kind of sci-fi craft, the compression of the air through the rotors would produce some heat that the IR sensors would pick up, usually as a 'wave' effect around/below the rotor(s). But there's no heat at all. What you can see, and one of my F/A-18 buddies pointed it out, was actually a ring of colder air behind/around the tictac. He didn't know what that ring was, and said it looked a little like a diffused exhaust plume, but that was impossible. Because to produce that kind of effect, you'd be talking about a propulsion system that produced thrust at many degrees colder than the surface of the craft and the surrounding air, which was probably already below freezing, due to the altitude it was traveling at. Except again, there's no such propulsion system in human history. So, how'd they engineer a propulsion system that doesn't produce any heat, but in fact produces propulsion that is many degrees colder than freezing? Answer: they didn't, because they can't. We, humans, can't even conceive of a propulsion system that doesn't produce heat, because the very act of producing thrust requires that some chemical reaction takes place, and one of the necessary byproducts of human-engineered thrust systems through chemical reaction is heat, duh. There's another one, and I don't remember the nickname they gave it, but it looks like a child's top, and it rotates slowly in the clip, at 25,000 ft. Sorry, but again, we can't do that. The air is so thin at that altitude that we can't make an aircraft that rotates about it's longitudinal axis (or any axis for that matter) without losing altitude, without a significant aspect change (the nose would have to tip up several degrees to increase the Angle of Attack to compensate for the loss of lift). And again, there'd have to be a large increase in thrust to hold altitude. But there's neither any aspect change nor is there any increase in thrust. And again, not my words/thoughts, but the words/thoughts of several former veteran USN/USAF fighter pilots that I worked with and know personally. And any commercial pilot would know that anyway. Whenever I attempt even a stand-rate turn above 20,000 ft. I have to increase my AoA or increase thrust, or the plane will start to descend. Simple, irrefutable aerodynamics. And there's a lot more information in those videos that the average dipstick wouldn't see, simply because they aren't versed in what those systems can actually record. |
Actually, several countries have gone public about the UFO/UAP encounters their pilots/citizens have admitted to. Don't remember them all because the list was several dozen long, but Brazil, UK, Italy or Portugal were all on the list. |
Lots of disinformation agents, so I’ll be skeptical (even though in my heart I feel we are not alone).
But as someone once said, never let a good crisis go to waste, so rest assured if info is released, it will be with the intent of having more control over the masses. |
What we know now is that we can't reproduce their propulsion systems, and that's it. It's possible that we've managed to capture or find some and learn some tech to build iPhones or something, but that's the best we've done. However, I find it interesting that most sightings occur in more advanced countries. We don't hear about sightings in the Congo or Laos or Bolivia. Why is that? It's possible that aliens have lowered the priority on those area for obvious reasons, or it's possible that they're terrestrial and some top-secret Russian thing, or it's possible that citizens in the more advanced countries are better able to reject identifying everything in the sky as some sort of plane. |
Not to mention the jamming of active radar to prevent target lock and being observed by an AGEIS Class Guided Missile Destroyer's multiple radar systems including the SPY-1 (Passive Electronic Scanning) radar dropping from 80,000 feet to 50 feet in seconds and then back to 80,000 feet. |
https://www.history.com/videos/bierset-belgium-ufos |
ah, thx, you reminded of another clip I asked one of my buddies about. There's a clip of one of the tictacs that seems to grow and shrink several times. I asked my buddy if the pilot was just going through a zoom cycle or something and he said 'no. According to the HUD, the pilot is chasing the object at about 500 kts, when the tictac suddenly increases speed to several times that of the Hornet, apparently instantaneously or nearly so, then flies back towards the Hornet at about the same rate, then assumes the same speed/course as the Hornet .' The tictac performs this maneuver several times in just a few seconds in the clip. I asked my buddy how many Gs he thought it would take to perform such a maneuver, and he said, 'dozens, maybe as many as a hundred.' The F/A-18, a front-line USN fighter plane, is capable of just 30-odd Gs (the airframe, longitudinally, not the crew. humans can only survive a dozen Gs or so, and just for a second or a fraction of a second). |
Let Bigfoot work his healing magic on us all |
Exactly. As well as tracked by the CVNs operating in the areas. |
They say that the Puerta Rico UFO has been solved. The was tracked by a Navy Fighter Jet in 2014. Its been a mystery all these years.
They say it was a Lantern that was released during a celebration that rose high into unusually strong winds. ;) :D |
The fact that only a small number of people even understand what they are seeing on a MFD, and then those people can't even explain how or why these blobs are breaking the laws of physics makes me to want more proof, not less. There are 5 billion smartphones with video cameras on the planet and we are looking at grainy blobs. |
Ah, you ever try to take a pic of something half-a-mile away or more with your smartphone from inside a fighterplane cockpit? |
Extraodinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Decades upon decades of extraordinary claims. Same utter lack of irrefutable evidence. Hard to take them seriously at this point.
Show some actual evidence. Something, anything that can be independently verified. |
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iAfgUvjPC-c?si=1IOKcrc7ckK7BSmP" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
And your response in another grainy artifacted night vision video? I mean, can you at least understand why people can't really get excited about that again?
Or it could just be like, chemotrophs living in the soil of a planet like Mars. |
We don't know the blobs are terrestrial or even physical. We don't know that the government is even telling the truth about the blobs. To declare a blob as ET is belief, not fact. I hope I'm wrong, I hope more evidence is provided. |
I tend give a military pilot more credibility (lucidity, education, IQ, sobriety etc) than the average UFO sighting and there's some pretty interesting testimonies on the internet available for viewing.
Here's one: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vwzgzHHuaPE?si=9AbMutrnqfGGCpKK" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
That the technology is so grand that who ever is able to reverse engineer it first and keep the tech away from others, will be the most powerful nation in the world. And possibly even MORE important than that, keeping it out of our adversary's hands. This technology would be a greater threat than any nuclear missile. So it's imperative that we control it and others don't. And until it's understood and we can can replicate/learn to defend ourselves against it, it must remain top secret. And i agree with theory 5 in that they're likely drones, we have no contact with them or understand what/who they are. |
AARO says they have this and that, and whistleblowers say they have even more than what AARO admits. But they have given us none of this evidence. |
They've SEEN it, they don't possess it. The DoD possesses it. They've seen the evidence while working within DoD UAP programs. Whistleblower protections for this were only passed within the last year. Stealing classified info from the DoD and releasing it to the public would be kind of a big deal, ya know? AARO has admitted to having this data. Publicly, they've admitted this, dude. This isn't just some whistle blower claim. The DoD effectively admits it themselves. Last reported, they have roughly 29 examples of UAP in which they have multiple sensory data inputs that all suggest something abnormal is happening, and they don't know what they are. They've released a full description on what they typically see and it's flight characteristics. Most typically they're metallic orbs. And we HAVE seen footage from independent cameras that match exactly what they describe. And we don't even talk about any of that as we focus on what AARO and so forth claim they have. I get it, you're a skeptic of this kinda stuff. You fancy yourself a realist that's grounded in common sense and science. And I appreciate that about you. But regarding this topic, you're refusing to acknowledge facts: AARO has admitted that they have multiple levels of sensory data suggesting aerial anomalies that they cannot explain. The questions shouldn't be, "Does the data even exist", the question should be, "what does the data suggest these things are, when will they release the data to the public and WHY won't they release the data to the public?" And "They" are not the whistleblowers. "They" are the DoD whom themselves claim they have it. |
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