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BigRedChief 03-07-2024 01:13 PM

Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson fight
It will be broadcast live on Netflix this Friday night, the 15th.

I don’t care Tyson is 57. Moving like this….you getting in the ring with him?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“Fighting Mike Tyson at 57 will be easy”<br><br>Mike Tyson at 57 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Robert Griffin III (@RGIII) <a href="">March 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

BigBeauford 03-07-2024 01:17 PM

Carnie shit.

kstater 03-07-2024 01:19 PM

And idiots will still pay for it thinking it's real

Sent from my SM-S906U1 using Tapatalk

WhawhaWhat 03-07-2024 01:19 PM

What round does Tyson take a dive?

BigBeauford 03-07-2024 01:20 PM

Has Jake Paul even had one entertaining fight?

George Liquor 03-07-2024 01:21 PM

I hope he beats Jake Paul to death.

jd1020 03-07-2024 01:21 PM

If I was like Jake Paul, 6'1 and 200lb of muscle with 4 years or whatever of boxing training under my belt... sure. I would most certainly step in the ring against a 57 year old Mike Tyson for $50M+ fully knowing I'm about to get my ass kicked, but at least I wouldn't die, like I would as my 5'9 not shredded self.

Something tells me this will end the same way Tyson vs Jones Jr when that fight ended in a "draw."

Hoover 03-07-2024 01:22 PM

Take my money. I’d love to watch Iron Mike fight someone

Gary Cooper 03-07-2024 01:23 PM

This fight will make Jake Paul way more money than his other exhibitions. The biggest name opponent he's faced by far. An actual boxing legend.

Tyson needs the cash. His net worth has taken some hits during his post-retirement.

BigRedChief 03-07-2024 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 17431295)
Carnie shit.

No shit. That’s pay per view these days. It’ll make tons of money for both. People will pay to see the fight. Or in the case watch on Netflix .

ToxSocks 03-07-2024 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by kstater (Post 17431298)
And idiots will still pay for it thinking it's real

Sent from my SM-S906U1 using Tapatalk

It's gonna be on Netflix.

redfan 03-07-2024 01:30 PM

Rooting for Iron Mike in this one.

Pablo 03-07-2024 01:32 PM

Bruce Lee would whoop both these guys at the same time with one hand tied behind his back

neech 03-07-2024 01:36 PM

Someone should have told Tyson that everyone can see what color underwear he has on.

ptlyon 03-07-2024 01:40 PM

Taking my lawn chair to get my spot reserved at the George Brett statue

BigRedChief 03-07-2024 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by redfan (Post 17431320)
Rooting for Iron Mike in this one.

He hits you with that left hook? Looks like he retained some speed too.

SurroundedByMorons 03-07-2024 02:56 PM

If he dies he dies?

KCJake 03-07-2024 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by jd1020 (Post 17431306)
If I was like Jake Paul, 6'1 and 200lb of muscle with 4 years or whatever of boxing training under my belt... sure. I would most certainly step in the ring against a 57 year old Mike Tyson for $50M+ fully knowing I'm about to get my ass kicked, but at least I wouldn't die, like I would as my 5'9 not shredded self.

Something tells me this will end the same way Tyson vs Jones Jr when that fight ended in a "draw."

Dude, Tyson is going to get the shit kicked out of him

poolboy 03-07-2024 03:27 PM

Jakes going toe to toe.....hopefully

Ming the Merciless 03-07-2024 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 17431299)
What round does Tyson take a dive?

POV: Tyson being told to take a dive but "make it look real and hurt him"
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Easy 6 03-07-2024 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by KCJake (Post 17431466)
Dude, Tyson is going to get the shit kicked out of him

I'll have some of what you're smoking

BigRedChief 03-07-2024 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17431559)
I'll have some of what you're smoking

Yeah, I’ll take his money.

New World Order 03-07-2024 05:52 PM

Mankind as special guest referee

BWillie 03-07-2024 08:05 PM

George Foreman was a heavyweight champion at 48 but 58 is really really old. Paul shouldn't be near the ring vs most good boxers but he should be able to beat Tyson at age 58. Certainly Paul should have the edge, and he's not even good. Will definitely be rooting for Tyson to demolish him though. I absolutely hate the Paul brothers.

It's not crazy that Tyson wins but if Paul fights smart I would think it would be difficult for him to lose. Tyson has to KO him.

Titty Meat 03-07-2024 08:06 PM


Iowanian 03-07-2024 08:58 PM

They should let tyson wear 6oz gloves.

Molitoth 03-07-2024 09:16 PM

Man I loved Mike Tyson when I was a young kid in the 80's. I think I really want to watch this...

I hope they both give their all.

New World Order 03-07-2024 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Molitoth (Post 17432012)
Man I loved Mike Tyson when I was a young kid in the 80's. I think I really want to watch this...

I hope they both give their all.

The Tyson days were so fun.

Will never be anything like that again

kstater 03-07-2024 09:25 PM

Wait, people think that almost 60 year old Tyson has a chance in an up and up fight?

Not a chance.

But it's all Kabuki Theater. They'll dance around and make it look like a show. I'm sure Tyson will go down once and it'll be a "split decision"

Sent from my SM-S906U1 using Tapatalk

Titty Meat 03-07-2024 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by kstater (Post 17432039)
Wait, people think that almost 60 year old Tyson has a chance in an up and up fight?

Not a chance.

But it's all Kabuki Theater. They'll dance around and make it look like a show. I'm sure Tyson will go down once and it'll be a "split decision"

Sent from my SM-S906U1 using Tapatalk

People seem to forget the Kevin McBride & Danny Williams fights hell that was 20 years ago. Paul is actually a decent fighter too. If this were a real fight (it isn't of course) Paul would still win

ghak99 03-07-2024 11:32 PM

I hate to see this. Tyson is one of those almost mythical figures I'd rather remember for who he was. I know he needs paid, but damn, there is no win to be had here for all of us selfish fans who want to remember him as the flawed perfection he was.

My only hope is he mentally breaks in the ring and somehow manages to maul the dumb **** to a point that none of us ever have to watch one of his fights again. The demon is still in there, it has almost come out in a couple interviews, so we can only hope he loses control of it long enough to land a few historic blows or chews his face off.

ChiefsFanatic 03-07-2024 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by bdj23 (Post 17431304)
I hope he beats Jake Paul to death.

Or at least really, really close to it.

ChiefsFanatic 03-07-2024 11:43 PM

Someone needs to mess with some AI and create a clip of Paul calling Cus D'Amato soft, and a pansy, and that he probably molested Mike.

Then, show it to Mike as he walks to the ring, so he doesn't have time to question or examine it.

T-post Tom 03-08-2024 12:32 AM

Mike has been drinking tiger blood and Keith Richard’s blood. Do not bet against him.

KCJake 03-08-2024 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 17431663)
Yeah, I’ll take his money.

How much ?

Mephistopheles Janx 03-08-2024 05:44 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You should be ashamed of yourself. And the biggest joke is you don’t even slightly realize why. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; michael (@bisping) <a href="">March 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Easy 6 03-08-2024 06:47 PM

If this is for real, and Tyson actually trains like its real... he's gonna coldcock Paul within two, just as predicted

Pablo 03-08-2024 07:02 PM

Had a link posted, but nvm 5 year old video

PunkinDrublic 03-08-2024 07:09 PM

Was looking into tickets for this, cheapest tickets are $200. **** that!

BWillie 03-08-2024 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17433151)
If this is for real, and Tyson actually trains like its real... he's gonna coldcock Paul within two, just as predicted

Have you ever fought a 60 year old man? I had to beat some old guys ass when I was in college. I had no choice. He attacked me outside of a Panchero's in Iowa City. It wasn't even a fight and I am not a big man.

TLO 03-08-2024 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 17433185)
Have you ever fought a 60 year old man? I had to beat some old guys ass when I was in college. I had no choice. He attacked me outside of a Panchero's in Iowa City. It wasn't even a fight and I am not a big man.

I want to hear the story on this

BWillie 03-08-2024 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by TLO (Post 17433189)
I want to hear the story on this

He said Damon Huard sucks so I had to beat that ass

Pinchshot 03-08-2024 08:09 PM

My money is on Mike

stevieray 03-08-2024 08:13 PM

Tyson's only hurdle in this fight is endurance,

Easy 6 03-08-2024 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by kstater (Post 17432039)
Wait, people think that almost 60 year old Tyson has a chance in an up and up fight?

Not a chance.

But it's all Kabuki Theater. They'll dance around and make it look like a show. I'm sure Tyson will go down once and it'll be a "split decision"

Sent from my SM-S906U1 using Tapatalk

Of course we do, if this is a good faith honest fight where both men feel they have something to prove its a Tyson win IMO

But if its some kinda backroom "lets not hurt each other too bad" money grab joke, then naw thats not worth watching

Titty Meat 03-08-2024 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx (Post 17433089)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You should be ashamed of yourself. And the biggest joke is you don’t even slightly realize why. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; michael (@bisping) <a href="">March 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

What does he mean? UFC dudes are salty because outside Connor they don't make shit

Titty Meat 03-08-2024 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17433243)
Of course we do, if this is a good faith honest fight where both men feel they have something to prove its a Tyson win IMO

But if its some kinda backroom "lets not hurt each other too bad" money grab joke, then naw thats not worth watching

Tyson was losing to journeymen 20 years ago how's a 60 year old Tyson any better?

New World Order 03-08-2024 10:31 PM

This is piece of crap

BigRedChief 03-08-2024 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by KCJake (Post 17433079)
How much ?

I’ll put some real money down on this. If it’s a sanctioned fight. An exhibition only I’ll just watch for fun.

Fish 03-08-2024 11:14 PM

ChiefsFanatic 03-09-2024 01:33 AM

AJ folded old Francis

Easy 6 03-09-2024 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 17433322)
Tyson was losing to journeymen 20 years ago how's a 60 year old Tyson any better?

I could certainly be wrong, maybe I'm just being too much of a fan

I do think that his life was a complete mess toward the end of his career, so that surely contributed to how he went out... just seems to me that if he trains like an animal, like this is legit... he can outclass that arrogant bum

Tyson has forgotten more boxing knowledge and skills than Paul will ever know, I'm hoping that wins the day for Iron Mike

WhawhaWhat 03-09-2024 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17433371)
AJ folded old Francis

Got a nice payday on the way out.

KCJake 03-09-2024 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17431559)
I'll have some of what you're smoking

Let’s throw some cash on it. Better yet, got any Chiefs memorabilia you wanna put on the table? I have a bunch of autograph/game used stuff

Valiant 03-09-2024 09:04 PM

Tyson said on one show that tape above is from 2 years ago.
Unless he starts training his ass off I have a feeling this ppv will be bad and go in Paul's favor. Tyson will dive for 50 million.

BWillie 03-09-2024 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 17434224)
Tyson said on one show that tape above is from 2 years ago.
Unless he starts training his ass off I have a feeling this ppv will be bad and go in Paul's favor. Tyson will dive for 50 million.

Why would he dive? The play would be to have Tyson win close. Then Paul destroy him in a rematch for the most $

wazu 03-09-2024 09:15 PM

This fight is picking up steam in my house. My oldest son is with me on Team Tyson, but my youngest is rooting for Paul.

Easy 6 03-09-2024 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by KCJake (Post 17434108)
Let’s throw some cash on it. Better yet, got any Chiefs memorabilia you wanna put on the table? I have a bunch of autograph/game used stuff

My best Chiefs memorabilia is a Prestige Mahomes Rookie Roundup, upwards of $800

Love it like a fat kid loves cake, I'll NEVER trade it

Megatron96 03-10-2024 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17433904)
I could certainly be wrong, maybe I'm just being too much of a fan

I do think that his life was a complete mess toward the end of his career, so that surely contributed to how he went out... just seems to me that if he trains like an animal, like this is legit... he can outclass that arrogant bum

Tyson has forgotten more boxing knowledge and skills than Paul will ever know, I'm hoping that wins the day for Iron Mike

I do not think you’re being too much of a fan.

I was never the biggest fan of Tyson, but he’s obviously one of the most talented and dangerous fighters in history. Jake Paul is a fool posing as a boxer. I feel like JP’s only chance is to run away for 5-6 rounds or even more, and try to get Mike fatigued.

If he’s dumb enough to stand in front of Tyson from the start and trade shots with him, he won’t last to the third. Tyson will destroy Jake in less than a minute.

Gotta figure that Tyson knows he has to let this circus go at least 6 rounds for entertainment purposes though. Can’t drop JP early with all the $$$$ involved.

Easy 6 03-10-2024 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 17434988)
I f do not think you’re being too much of a fan.

I was never the biggest fan of Tyson, but he’s obviously one of the most talented and dangerous fighters in history. Jake Paul is a fool posing as a boxer. I feel like JP’s only chance is to run away for 5-6 rounds or even more, and try to get Mike fatigued.

If he’s dumb enough to stand in front of Tyson from the start and trade shots with him, he won’t last to the third. Tyson will destroy Jake in less than a minute.

Gotta figure that Tyson knows he has to let this circus go at least 6 rounds for entertainment purposes though. Can’t drop JP early with all the $$$$ involved.

All true, but Tyson runs a terrible risk letting it go on too long... if he wants to win at his age, he needs to end it by the third IMO

Megatron96 03-10-2024 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17435021)
All true, but Tyson runs a terrible risk letting it go on too long... if he wants to win at his age, he needs to end it by the third IMO

Yeah, it’s the stamina thing Tyson should be working on more than anything, but at 57, he’s just not going to be able to go a long time. 3-4 rounds at most, imo.

Easy 6 03-10-2024 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 17435135)
Yeah, it’s the stamina thing Tyson should be working on more than anything, but at 57, he’s just not going to be able to go a long time. 3-4 rounds at most, imo.

Exactly right, if this fight is actually real he'll have to focus on raw power and ending it ASAP... basically like Rocky vs Apollos kid

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bowser 03-10-2024 02:26 PM

This entire situation has reached meme status.

Easy 6 03-10-2024 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17435152)
This entire situation has reached meme status.

I just desperately want it to be REAL, like Tyson is wanting one last chance to showcase his greatness and isn't just there for the purse

If its all a sham, we'll know without a doubt

BWillie 03-10-2024 02:52 PM

Roy Jones Jr fought an MMA fighter who it was his only boxing match ever when Jones was 54 and he got beat in 8 rounds.

Megatron96 03-11-2024 02:36 PM

Okay, so when I posted in here yesterday about the outcome of the fight, I wasn't aware of the bad blood between these two, but after watching the clips, I have to amend my prediction.

Tyson wins by KO in the first or second round. He's going to murder JP.

BigRedChief 03-14-2024 12:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Mike knows how to work the crowd

The Franchise 03-14-2024 12:10 PM

Pretty sure there is a stipulation in the contract that Tyson can't knock out Paul.

KCJake 03-14-2024 12:23 PM

If this thing is anywhere close to a real fight, Tyson will get worked over bad, TKO. Paul beat Anderson Silva and Tyron Woodley semi recently. Tyson is nearly 60 guys ... as annoying as these Paul brothers are, they do actually have good skills.

wazu 03-14-2024 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 17443028)
Mike knows how to work the crowd


It's okay, Mike. I can tell how old you are by the way you change characters in cuss words rather than just using other words.

Easy 6 03-14-2024 03:07 PM

Read yesterday they'll be wearing headgear, so this is gonna be a glorified exhibition

BigRedChief 03-14-2024 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17443520)
Read yesterday they'll be wearing headgear, so this is gonna be a glorified exhibition


Headgear = outcome decided and or an agreement reached how far they are allowed to go off on their opponent.

ghak99 03-14-2024 06:22 PM

Mike is probably too old for the sanctioning body to allow it without a bunch of dumb rules.

I assumed they got around this by calling it a "sports event" instead of a boxing match or fight, but apparently not. It's going to be a boring cardio match until Mike dies of old age if the headgear and big ass pillow glove rumors are real.

Rukdafaidas 03-14-2024 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Easy 6 (Post 17443520)
Read yesterday they'll be wearing headgear, so this is gonna be a glorified exhibition

I read that they're not going to wear headgear, but they are going to use 18oz gloves, which is a huge advantage for Jake Paul. It's going to very difficult for Tyson to knock Paul out while wearing clown gloves.

BigRedChief 05-03-2024 01:17 PM

Looks like they may be allowed to actually fight?

The OFFICIAL fight rules for the professional sanctioned bout between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul have just been announced.

Following the confirmation that this contest will go down as an official pro fight, the rules have been released.


1) The fight will be contested over eight two minute rounds.

2) 14-ounce gloves will be worn.

3) The rule many were concerned about… Knockouts are allowed in the fight.

4) Headgear will NOT be worn by the fighters.

“Official” fight but with 2 minute rounds?

ToxSocks 05-03-2024 01:29 PM

2min rounds? Lol wtf

Bowser 05-03-2024 01:32 PM

Unless Paul runs the entire time, does anyone think that Tyson needs more than two minutes to finish this farce?

T-post Tom 05-03-2024 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17508657)
Unless Paul runs the entire time, does anyone think that Tyson needs more than two minutes to finish this farce?

Paul is going to die.

ghak99 05-03-2024 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by ModSocks (Post 17508652)
2min rounds? Lol wtf

It's probably the only way they were allowed to call it an actual fight.

No way they were sanctioning some kid dragging an old man into deep water without breaks.

Tundra Scout 05-03-2024 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17508657)
Unless Paul runs the entire time, does anyone think that Tyson needs more than two minutes to finish this farce?

Going to an epic beat down

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