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stevieray 10-12-2022 07:26 AM

(RIP) Nzoner
2 Attachment(s)
Joe called me yesterday and asked to me post about what is going on.

If you haven't heard, he has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer.

Talk about a rock. Guy survives his heart attack, then loses his wife, and now this? It's incredible to me how strong he is...I mean, can you imagine?

They have given him a pain blocker that he says is working well, though he has trouble eating. He had a port installed for chemo.

He is in incredibly good spirits, even though he admitted to me he's tired, he wants to finish the race shining the Light of the Lord to others. He's at peace and I'm proud of how he has handled ALL of this with so much grace.

Please pray for mercy if you would be so kind. He didn't ask me to start this thread so people could feel sorry for him, he asked me because he wanted you all to know that the headstone finally was set in place, he just wasn't up to doing it ( in hospital today), and I don't blame him.

I'd like to thank everyone who donated to this cause. Joe is a special guy a and all those bashes made more than good times, they made lifelong friends. I'll forever be grateful to have known him & Kathy.

Be good to those you love.


MOD EDIT: Here's a little more detail on Joe's new work:


Originally Posted by Nzoner (Post 16691459)
God granted me seeing my 60th birthday yesterday and hopefully I'll have the opportunity to see some of you yet.

I also want to tell a little more about our new ministry and will do so.




Originally Posted by cmh6476 (Post 16852936)
On March 12, 2023, Joey (Jammin’ Joe) Dale Tracy of Saint Joseph, MO passed away at the age of 60 in his home, surrounded by family.

Joe was born on December 26, 1962, in St. Joseph, MO to Larry and Sondra (Clark) Tracy. He graduated from Benton High School in 1981. On November 29, 1985, while working together at the Thrifty Nickel, he married Kathy Beth Russell. Joe and Kathy went on to own and operate the St. Joseph AD-Venture direct mail publication for 26 years and Pyro Joe’s Fireworks for 12 years.

Joe rededicated his life to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in 2019. He and Kathy had daily prayer and bible study together.

Joe was passionate about many things in life – Jesus Christ, Music, Football, Fireworks, and good food. Many knew him as “Jammin’ Joe,” “NZoner” from, or “Pyro Joe.”

Joe was preceded in death by his mother, Sondra, and wife, Kathy. He is survived by his father Larry, stepmother Patty, brother Kevin (Theresa), nephews Brad and Ian, nieces Shannon and Alyssa, several cousins, and two fur-babies Oscar & Sadie.

Farewell Services & Public Livestream will be held on Thursday, March 16th at 1:00 pm at the Grace Calvary Chapel – 5103 S. 50th St., St. Joseph, MO. Interment Mount Auburn Cemetery. The family will gather with friends 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory. In lieu of flowers, Joe requests donations to his recently established foundation L.O.S.S. (Loss of Spouse Sanctuary). The sanctuary will assist other widows and widowers along their grief journey. More information about L.O.S.S. can be found at Donations may be made via the website. Online guest book and obituary at


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 16859785)
There's a recording up on the site in case anyone missed the live stream.

The video he recorded that starts at about 44:30 is worth a watch if nothing else.

RunKC 10-12-2022 07:30 AM

Damn. My grandfather had this and it’s terrible.

All the best to Nzoner

ptlyon 10-12-2022 07:31 AM

You can get through this Joe! Thoughts and prayers.

Edit: We got several Superbowls to enjoy yet

Lzen 10-12-2022 07:31 AM

Dang. The man has just had a really rough year. Praying for strength and peace for Joe.

Joe, we all love you, man. Stay in good spirits and may God bless you.

smithandrew051 10-12-2022 07:36 AM

Terrible. My thoughts and prayers to Nzoner and his family and friends.

dirk digler 10-12-2022 07:38 AM

oh man. Joe my thoughts and prayers are with you.

scho63 10-12-2022 07:39 AM

I was blessed to recently meet Nzoner here in AZ. Tough guy who has dealt with a TON of shit over the last 12-18 months.

Sending prayers and hoping for positive news.

Molitoth 10-12-2022 07:42 AM

Well shit...This hurts to read.

TLO 10-12-2022 07:42 AM

Prayers sent.

HayWire 10-12-2022 07:42 AM

This sucks...

Get well nzoner

srvy 10-12-2022 07:43 AM

Just Wow this man has been through so much. Prayer out and up.

Ming the Merciless 10-12-2022 07:58 AM

Prayers. You got this. Lots of people thinking of you and praying for you.

Mr. Plow 10-12-2022 07:59 AM

Not the thread I wanted to see this morning. He has been through a lot already. Keep your head & your spirits up Joe. Keeping you in my prayers.

loochy 10-12-2022 08:01 AM

Just curious...does he have kids or was it just him and her?

KurtCobain 10-12-2022 08:01 AM

That is an absolutely beautiful grave stone.

Bwana 10-12-2022 08:10 AM

Damn! I'm really sorry to hear this. All my best to Joe and hopefully he can stay strong and beat it.

Buehler445 10-12-2022 08:17 AM

**** cancer.

All the best Joes direction. I can’t even imagine.

R Clark 10-12-2022 08:18 AM

Damn what a bitch , prayer’s sent

T-post Tom 10-12-2022 08:24 AM

So sorry to read this. Nzoner is a CP pillar and by all accounts, a truly good person. Praying for you and your family.

Pablo 10-12-2022 08:31 AM

So sorry Joe. I will pray for your comfort and know that I will always hold you and Kathy in my heart as the truly wonderful people you are. Much love my friend.

ChiTown 10-12-2022 08:33 AM

All my love and prayers to Joe. You got this Brother, and we are ALL here for you!

displacedinMN 10-12-2022 08:37 AM

I will be praying for him today.

DaFace 10-12-2022 08:38 AM

What a shit year for a great family. Hang in there, Joe.

FlaChief58 10-12-2022 08:41 AM

Prayers sent, you got this!

The Franchise 10-12-2022 08:43 AM

You’re in my thoughts, man. You’ve got this.

seclark 10-12-2022 08:47 AM

Never lucky enough to have met Joe face to face, but have shared messages with him. Love the guy we’ve prayed for each other. I’m not stopping now.
May God bless you, Joe.

JohnnyHammersticks 10-12-2022 09:06 AM

Don't know you Joe but this hit me right in the gut. Praying hard for you.

Our time here is very brief, it's what we do with it that matters. If life on earth is just a test, it seems like you got an A+. I hope to meet you and your wife in heaven someday.

Hydrae 10-12-2022 09:08 AM

Thoughts and prayers for sure. This is tough news to hear but everything is in His hands and will work out the way He intends.

mabbott 10-12-2022 09:38 AM

**** Cancer! I wish you the best through your fight! My family and I are pulling for you!!!

Hoover 10-12-2022 09:41 AM

Prayers for Joe. Glad he is in good spirits, its the only way to go.

IowaHawkeyeChief 10-12-2022 09:54 AM

One of the great ones on here... Prayers to you and your resilience and spirit is admired

luv 10-12-2022 10:13 AM

Love the stone. Hate the news.


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 16524659)
Just curious...does he have kids or was it just him and her?

They do not have kids, but I believe they were fairly active in lives of nieces, nephews, etc.

JPH83 10-12-2022 10:16 AM

Thoughts and all best wishes with you man. Headstone is A+++++

Katie 10-12-2022 10:25 AM

They’re calling it at stage 3 at this point, starting chemo treatments next week and possibly radiation later on. He is amazingly positive and going to give it his best shot. Love and prayers, my friend!

mnchiefsguy 10-12-2022 10:32 AM

Thoughts and Prayers.

htismaqe 10-12-2022 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Katie (Post 16524956)
They’re calling it at stage 3 at this point, starting chemo treatments next week and possibly radiation later on. He is amazingly positive and going to give it his best shot. Love and prayers, my friend!

Thanks for the updates...

LoneWolf 10-12-2022 11:24 AM

I have no words to describe how incredibly unfair life seems sometimes. Keep your head up, Joe. Positive thoughts and vibes headed your way.

bevischief 10-12-2022 11:35 AM

Damn.... Sorry to hear...

And I am sitting here waiting to get a CAT scan.

PHOG 10-12-2022 11:45 AM

Never had the pleasure to meet you, but by all accounts , you're A+. Thoughts and prayers.

Graystoke 10-12-2022 12:17 PM

Hate to hear news like this.
Stay strong-Thoughts and prayers.

big nasty kcnut 10-12-2022 12:33 PM

prayers up joe. This sucks.

Old Dog 10-12-2022 12:40 PM

Thoughts and Prayers, Joe.

ToxSocks 10-12-2022 01:01 PM

Nzoner, the Chiefsplanet LEGEND. All hail the king.

LiveSteam 10-12-2022 01:48 PM

You're in my prayers

Otter 10-12-2022 01:50 PM

Damn, get well Joe!

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Hog's Gone Fishin 10-12-2022 02:03 PM

Go get'em Joe and kick its ass! We need you around!

Eleazar 10-12-2022 02:07 PM

God speed in your fight, Nzoner

mlyonsd 10-12-2022 02:40 PM

Be strong Joe. Know everyone here is rooting and praying for you.

KCwolf 10-12-2022 02:42 PM

Thoughts and Prayers sent .... Great CP member

ToxSocks 10-12-2022 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by mlyonsd (Post 16525613)
Be strong Joe. Know everyone here is rooting and praying for you.


You're the king, Nzoner. Never met you, barely interacted with you but you are beloved. Says a lot about a man. No matter what, know that you'll always be a legend around these parts.

BlackHelicopters 10-12-2022 03:29 PM

Prayers for you, Joe. Peace be with you.

Coach 10-12-2022 03:35 PM

Jesus... this sucks.

Very sorry to hear that.

Stevie, I don't have any contact with Joe, but if he has some questions or wants to talk about it, let me know. Got a family member going through the same thing.

Shiver Me Timbers 10-12-2022 03:46 PM

Thanks SR-
Prayers continue for Joe.

Iowanian 10-12-2022 03:56 PM


Rain Man 10-12-2022 04:00 PM

Dang. Best wishes to you, Nzoner, and as our friend Bruce Springsteen says, "No retreat, baby, no surrender."

Easy 6 10-12-2022 04:10 PM

Its tough to find the words for what Joe has had to endure, just one tragedy after another... yet it amazes me that his faith is stronger than ever

God will bless you and you'll get through this, Joe

Titty Meat 10-12-2022 05:25 PM

Prayers up

Rukdafaidas 10-12-2022 05:53 PM

Very sorry to hear this news. I'll be praying for you Joe.

kc rush 10-12-2022 06:27 PM

Ugh, I hate hearing this. Prayers for him.

Rams Fan 10-12-2022 07:22 PM

That's horrible.

More positive vibes heading your way, Joe.

cdcox 10-12-2022 08:05 PM

Sorry to hear about this. Totally sucks. Hoping for the best.

threebag 10-12-2022 08:05 PM

Praying for Joe

Simply Red 10-12-2022 08:25 PM

Thank you for passing on the information Steve. I will be certain he's in my prayers. Much love.

Predarat 10-12-2022 08:38 PM

Oh no, thoughts and prayers to Joe. Best wishes to you, Nzoner!

Al Czervik 10-12-2022 08:51 PM

Thoughts and Prayer to Joe....
The guy is a solid rock....

ClevelandBronco 10-12-2022 09:13 PM

Nzoner, you are dearly loved by God and by your fellows here.

Mr. Kotter 10-12-2022 09:20 PM

I'm no longer a regular here, but still lurk often. Stevie and Joe are both stand-up guys. Those early bashes at Joe's place helped to make this place. Whatever petty squabbles and differences have emerged are small potatoes compared to character and contributions of Joe, Kathy, and Stevie. Joe and Kathy have been in my thoughts and prayers, and I will pray for mercy and whatever miracles He has in his Plan. God Bless, and thoughts and prayers heading to St. Joe.

carlos3652 10-12-2022 10:21 PM

Prayers sent to you and your fam!

FRCDFED 10-12-2022 11:11 PM

Prayers for strength and healing! You got this!

FAX 10-12-2022 11:20 PM

Incredibly sad news.

Lighting a candle for Mr. Nzoner.


Chiefs=Champions 10-12-2022 11:51 PM

Prayers sent

Rasputin 10-13-2022 02:23 AM

I'm going have to leave the Planet forever if I have to keep reading about the C word. This bumbs me out but sounds like Nzoner is in good spirits so for me that is an inspiration and humbles me.

God speed

redfan 10-13-2022 08:06 AM

I'm really sorry to hear this. God bless you Nzoner, sounds like you're keeping the faith. You got this!!

Monty 10-13-2022 10:45 AM

Much love and respect for Joe. Prayers for you.

Frazod 10-13-2022 11:06 AM

This is so depressing. I can't think of a nicer guy than Joe that I've ever met in my life, or anybody who has done more great things for others. All the horrible shit he's had to deal with over the past couple of years..... ****.

Nzoner 10-13-2022 11:52 AM

Good afternoon all and thank you for the prayers and thoughts.Today is the best day I've had in awhile so wanted to hop on here while the going was good.

I've told my pastor and other friends that after this recent diagnosis I'm officially drooping the E from my name and adding a B instead.For those that don't know this story you can search Job in the Bible and read a quite amazing story.

As Stevie said my spirit is good and I know that's because I have a future hope,you see my take is either way this goes I'M GETTING HEALED,either this side of heaven(with an amazing testimony) or in heaven with my Savior where there will be no more tears of sorrow,no pain and we will know all as we've been known.ALL PROMISES from God's Word.

If it's the latter I just can just hear my dear wife."You already?"
"yes dear and now you get to put up with me for eternity." LMAO

Just a little Nzoner humor there.

Anyhow BIG THANKS again to those of you who donated to Mrs Nzoner's fund which every dime went towards our headstone(which I think turned out amazing) and the reason the Chiefs Planet tribute is on the back.

Lord willing maybe we can have a mellow BASH if someone wants to work on that as it'd be great to see everyone.

God Bless each and all and please remember if you don't know Christ as your personal Savior,I speak from experience when I say He is for real and totally changed my life and can change yours.And please I realize I've had 20 straight months of death and close calls and the like but I'm still here shouting Jesus Is Lord from the rooftops and by His grace will do so until my last breath. God has a plan for each of us and sometimes I wonder if mine wasn't to meet a bunch of hooligan friends like I was and to be radically changed by Jesus so that His light may shine through me to give others hope.


ChiTown 10-13-2022 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nzoner (Post 16527118)
Good afternoon all and thank you for the prayers and thoughts.Today is the best day I've had in awhile so wanted to hop on here while the going was good.

I've told my pastor and other friends that after this recent diagnosis I'm officially drooping the E from my name and adding a B instead.For those that don't know this story you can search Job in the Bible and read a quite amazing story.

As Stevie said my spirit is good and I know that's because I have a future hope,you see my take is either way this goes I'M GETTING HEALED,either this side of heaven(with an amazing testimony) or in heaven with my Savior where there will be no more tears of sorrow,no pain and we will know all as we've been known.ALL PROMISES from God's Word.

If it's the latter I just can just hear my dear wife."You already?"
"yes dear and now you get to put up with me for eternity." LMAO

Just a little Nzoner humor there.

Anyhow BIG THANKS again to those of you who donated to Mrs Nzoner's fund which every dime went towards our headstone(which I think turned out amazing) and the reason the Chiefs Planet tribute is on the back.

Lord willing maybe we can have a mellow BASH if someone wants to work on that as it'd be great to see everyone.

God Bless each and all and please remember if you don't know Christ as your personal Savior,I speak from experience when I say He is for real and totally changed my life and can change yours.And please I realize I've had 20 straight months of death and close calls and the like but I'm still here shouting Jesus Is Lord from the rooftops and by His grace will do so until my last breath. God has a plan for each of us and sometimes I wonder if mine wasn't to meet a bunch of hooligan friends like I was and to be radically changed by Jesus so that His light may shine through me to give others hope.


So incredibly good to see a post from you, Joe. We’re all here for you. Prayers for you, my Brother!

ptlyon 10-13-2022 12:16 PM

Keep it up Joe, we with you man

seclark 10-13-2022 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Nzoner (Post 16527118)
Good afternoon all and thank you for the prayers and thoughts.Today is the best day I've had in awhile so wanted to hop on here while the going was good.

I've told my pastor and other friends that after this recent diagnosis I'm officially drooping the E from my name and adding a B instead.For those that don't know this story you can search Job in the Bible and read a quite amazing story.

As Stevie said my spirit is good and I know that's because I have a future hope,you see my take is either way this goes I'M GETTING HEALED,either this side of heaven(with an amazing testimony) or in heaven with my Savior where there will be no more tears of sorrow,no pain and we will know all as we've been known.ALL PROMISES from God's Word.

If it's the latter I just can just hear my dear wife."You already?"
"yes dear and now you get to put up with me for eternity." LMAO

Just a little Nzoner humor there.

Anyhow BIG THANKS again to those of you who donated to Mrs Nzoner's fund which every dime went towards our headstone(which I think turned out amazing) and the reason the Chiefs Planet tribute is on the back.

Lord willing maybe we can have a mellow BASH if someone wants to work on that as it'd be great to see everyone.

God Bless each and all and please remember if you don't know Christ as your personal Savior,I speak from experience when I say He is for real and totally changed my life and can change yours.And please I realize I've had 20 straight months of death and close calls and the like but I'm still here shouting Jesus Is Lord from the rooftops and by His grace will do so until my last breath. God has a plan for each of us and sometimes I wonder if mine wasn't to meet a bunch of hooligan friends like I was and to be radically changed by Jesus so that His light may shine through me to give others hope.


^gets it^
Prayers my brother

JohnnyHammersticks 10-13-2022 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Nzoner (Post 16527118)
Good afternoon all and thank you for the prayers and thoughts.Today is the best day I've had in awhile so wanted to hop on here while the going was good.

I've told my pastor and other friends that after this recent diagnosis I'm officially drooping the E from my name and adding a B instead.For those that don't know this story you can search Job in the Bible and read a quite amazing story.

As Stevie said my spirit is good and I know that's because I have a future hope,you see my take is either way this goes I'M GETTING HEALED,either this side of heaven(with an amazing testimony) or in heaven with my Savior where there will be no more tears of sorrow,no pain and we will know all as we've been known.ALL PROMISES from God's Word.

If it's the latter I just can just hear my dear wife."You already?"
"yes dear and now you get to put up with me for eternity." LMAO

Just a little Nzoner humor there.

Anyhow BIG THANKS again to those of you who donated to Mrs Nzoner's fund which every dime went towards our headstone(which I think turned out amazing) and the reason the Chiefs Planet tribute is on the back.

Lord willing maybe we can have a mellow BASH if someone wants to work on that as it'd be great to see everyone.

God Bless each and all and please remember if you don't know Christ as your personal Savior,I speak from experience when I say He is for real and totally changed my life and can change yours.And please I realize I've had 20 straight months of death and close calls and the like but I'm still here shouting Jesus Is Lord from the rooftops and by His grace will do so until my last breath. God has a plan for each of us and sometimes I wonder if mine wasn't to meet a bunch of hooligan friends like I was and to be radically changed by Jesus so that His light may shine through me to give others hope.


God bless you brother. What a great warrior for Christ you are. Just amazing to see the strength you're getting from Him. Many of us are striving to become what you so obviously already are. Hope to meet you on the other side Joe - but hope it's a few decades down the line (for both of us). You're truly an inspiration.

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